Chapter 3: Speechless

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Asriels POV

we drove up to the lab oh this is gonna be fun I can tell ya that much me and Frisk got out of the car and walked into the building "Oh IRL I got something to tell ya" I said smiling revenge is nigh "yes what is it Asriel?" he said at his desk reading "A certain person living at your house likes you" I said "look Asriel I'm pretty sure Austin isn't gay plus I should know fro previous timelines" IRL said "ok how do I put this lightly... Chara likes you" Asriel said "maybe as a friend yes then I like her back but I'm not about the other like" IRL said "no IRL she like Likes you" Asriel said "huh..." IRL said I could tell he was speechless and thinking really hard "I see..." IRL said "well how do you feel about her?" I asked "well before I thought we were good friends but now that you said that Im not sure anymore honestly" IRL said "well now you know, Chara told me and I wanted to get revenge" I said then IRL became mad "You Do know I was nice enough to revive them right?" IRL said "actually no" I said "well you didn't need to I was kind enough to do that for you guys" IRL said "look I'm sorry IRL I gave Chara pointless revenge" I said trying to apologize "well you don't need to tell me that tell your sister that... now if you will excuse me I have work to do" IRL said walking away to his part of the lab I really messed up didn't I "Asriel are you ready to leave" Frisk said coming in "yeah I'm ready" I said we walked out


I honestly don't know what to say right now I mean Chara is Nice and all but... I just don't know I practically have no flirting skills or anything of the sort then I got a text from Chara

Chara: you done at work yet

IRL: almost oh yeah Asriel and Frisk stopped by today

Chara: oh did they now?

IRL: and I learned a interesting fact today

Chara: hehe what

IRL: did you know that 60-80 percent of the internet is porn

Chara: oh no I didn't I thought he told you something else

IRL: no no he didn't

ok I have to admit as much as I sorta hated Asriel I didn't want to see someone die again so I kinda lied

IRL: actually I just got off i'm on my way home now you need anything?

Chara: I'll change your contact name to 'daddy' if you get me chocolate

IRL: alright but thats a bit weird

Chara: I know I just wanted to see your reaction =)

IRL: alright see you two later

I summoned a knife and went to a gas station to get some chocolate hmm... I wonder what would happen if I gave her 5 chocolate bars... so I bought 5 and flew home and walked in "here's the chocolate" I said handing her the chocolate "well thanks" Chara said "well I told ya I would" Chara also said showing me her phone and there was my phone number with the name 'daddy' above it I again face palmed to hide my blush but I guess I failed doing that "Oh I think I see someone blushing" Chara said "heh very funny" I said taking my hand off my face " but seriously thanks" Chara said "no problem" I said "well we might as well go get diner though" I said we walked into the kitchen appears to be leftovers from last night I mean Austin did make a lot of spaghetti... I think he's spending to much time with papyrus honestly I grabbed a bowl and a fork and went to my room to eat weirdly Chara followed me in with her bowl as well "well I hope these leftovers would just Pasta-way" I made a pun Chara again laughed "hey I got a new joke you want to hear it" Chara said I will admit I always want to hear jokes "sure go ahead" I said "ok how do you know if a murderer loves someone" Chara asked I was almost about to sweat "How" I asked "they do this" Chara said hugging me, I hugged back "you know Chara" I said "yes" Chara said "I had a void where a heart should be but I think some day it might just be filled again" I said "hey never give up on finding that one person who can who knows they could be right under your nose but you'll never know" Chara said "Chara how about a fun activity" I said "sure what is it" I said "I'll call everyone over cause we need multiple people to do it though" I said

about 15 minutes later

everyone came over I knew Chara liked me but its about time for everyone to know plus I can work on my acting so I had chose the activity of "Truth or Dare" we all got in a circle "ok who's gonna start" Sans said "guess I will" Chara said I'll probably regret this "alright IRL truth or dare" Chara said "hmm... truth" I said "alright is it true we never met in other timelines" Chara asked "Yep we've only met in this one" I said "Alright Asriel Truth or Dare" I said "hmm...truth" Asriel said "is it true you know something we don't about Chara" I asked "yep but i'm not telling but it does go on the lines of liking someone in this very room" Asriel said "Alright Sans truth or dare" Asriel said "dare" Sans said "alright you have to" Asriel said going into the kitchen and coming back with a bottle of hot sauce "put 5 drops of hot sauce on your tongue" Asriel said Sans opened his mouth and Asriel put 5 drops of hot sauce on his tongue and Sans closed his mouth and ran in the kitchen immediately we all laughed he came back "alright Frisk truth or dare" Sans said "dare" Frisk said "ok you gotta down this whole thing of ketchup" Sans said pulling out a bottle of ketchup Frisk began to drink the ketchup "Chug!" we all said then Frisk was finished "alright Chara truth or dare" Frisk said "truth" Chara said "Alright Chara who is this person you like" Frisk said "umm..." Chara said covering her face "...IRL" Chara said "wow Chara i'm a bit speechless I mean thats cute and all but i'm not sure how I feel" I said "alright IRL truth or dare" Chara asked "hmm... dare" I said ok honestly Im scared right about now "ok me, you ,Frisk, and Asriel do 7 minutes in heaven in your closet" Chara said which led to me blushing madly so Me, Frisk, Asriel, and Chara went to my room luckily I had two closets "ok you take one and we'll take one" I said Me and Chara went in one closet and Frisk and Asriel went in the other "ok now what this is my first time doing this-" I was cut off as Chara put her finger over my mouth "its alright I'll show ya" Chara said crashing her lips into mine I know this is just me controlling a husk but it felt to real

7 minutes later

me and Chara walked out of the closet we could hear moaning from the other "great looks like another mess i'll have to clean up later" I said Chara giggled we walked back into the living room "wheres Asriel and Frisk?" Sans asked "what do you think" I said "y'know im not that surprised" Austin said then Asriel and Frisk walked in "so how big of a mess did you make?" I asked "actually we cleaned it up... with your dirty clothes" Frisk said "ok why me of all people" I said to myself "alright its getting late I should be going home" Sans said "alright seeya" I said "also we gotta go as well" Asriel and Frisk said "alright see you guys as well" I said "im going to bed bro... you two don't get to loud if you know what I mean" Austin said going to his room Me and Chara started to blush at that comment "I think im gonna head to bed as well" I said walking into the hallway but then stopped "y'know you can sleep in my room if you want to" I said Chara got of the couch and followed me into my room "y'know Chara I know im in a husk right now but maybe just with your presence you can help me return to my old self again" I said "I'll do my best" Chara said she held my hand "thanks Chara your a great friend hell maybe even more" I said we kissed again "also if you want you can sleep next to me if you want" I said Chara got up and got under the covers next to me "alright goodnight" I said "goodnight" Chara said "oh yeah don't try anything stupid while im asleep" I said even though I couldn't see her I could tell she was blushing "ok" Chara said I fell asleep

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