Chapter 5: Betrayal Pt 1

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Charas POV
Why am I having these horrid nightmares I know I usually have nightmares but not this gruesome

*nightmare flashback*
IRL: Chara stop this I thought we were friends

Chara: Sorry IRL its the way it has to be *throws blood at IRL*

IRL: heh you thought that was gonna benefit you?

Chara: no but I just wanted to let a piece of your brother watch you die

IRL: THATS IT! *activates eye*

*IRL uses telekinesis and throws Chara around*

5 deaths later...
G.T IRL: will you just give up already?!
*heavly breathing*

Chara: nope now DIE!
Chara did slash

G.T IRL: heh you thought that was go-
Chara did slash
Hit for 9999999999

IRL: *looks down to see blood* huh... Guess this is it then... Well eat This!
G.T IRL did gaster blaster barrage
Chara won the fight

*end of nightmare flashback*
I don't know why I think these things even though im now nice... Am I really thought... I don't know anymore then Austin came up to me "hey Chara got a minute" Austin said "yeah what is it" I said "look I know your interested in my bro but please from me don't dump him, I can't deal of seeing him heartbroken again" Austin said "don't worry I won't" I said but a little part of me said "Kill him!" But I won't I'm nice now and I gained everyones trust I won't blow it then IRL came in the room then remembered my nightmare "you ok Chara it's as if you saw death or something?" IRL asked "no I'm fine" I said I lied "anyway im gonna head to the lab I need to optimize my eye real quick y'know" IRL said walking near the door "wait IRL" I said "yeah Chara?" IRL asked "mind if I come with you?" I asked "yeah sure" IRL said I followed him outside and I got in the passenger seat "want me to turn on the radio or do you wanna listen to my mixtape?" IRL joked "radio please" I said IRL turned on the radio and turned it played some country "really Austin!" IRL said changing the station to rock and roll "Sorry its just I hate country" IRL said we pulled out of the driveway and drove to the lab

A few minutes later...

We got out of the car and walked through the sliding glass doors and walked into IRLs office "well this is where I work" IRL said then Asriel walked in "hey guys" Asriel said "hey Asriel" Me and IRL said "Chara hand me that magnet and eyepatch over there please" IRL said handing him the items "thank you" IRL said putting the magnet to his eye and the eye came out and IRL put on the eyepatch and walked over to a station and plugged his eye into a machine then a screen popped up saying

Blaster length: 1.5 m

Blaster width: .5 m

Blaster type: sniper

Bolt color: green

IRL optimized the selections

Blaster length: 5m

Blaster width: 6m

Blaster type: scatter shot

Bolt color: black

He unplugged the eye and I don't know how but I grabbed a nearby syringe and held it near his neck but he went to another machine to put it back in I hid the syringe in my pocket good thing Asriel didn't see or I would lose everything plus I feel like im no longer in control I'm acting like my old self but not on purpose "alright done let's head home" IRL said I pulled out the syringe again and held it to his eck about to strike "IRL!" Asriel said tackling me down "Asriel thats your sister and my Girlfriend!" IRL said activating his eye and throwing Asriel to the side "Austin you don't get it she tried to kill you!" Asriel yelled "why does a part of me not believe you!" IRL said "look whats in her hand!" Asriel said I hid the syringe "there's nothing you Liar!" IRL said moving Asriel to the back opening the freezer containing souls in jars "look IRL im telling the truth" Asriel said opening some "heh God of Hyperdeath wanna go I'm game... Chara stand back!" IRL said getting out of the lab

Asriel's POV
I know what I saw and it was Chara holding a syringe pointed towards IRLs neck so I tackled her to stop her and you know the rest so I started to open soul jars so I at least had a chance against IRLs Good Time mode I saw him spawn knives and Gaster Blasters "its a beautiful day outside, birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these people like you" IRL said and his eyes went black "should be fucking your own girl" IRL said and knifes started flying at high speed towards me luckily I only got a cut from it I absorbed the last soul and got into my god of Hyperdeath form

G.T IRL used multi-knife
God Of Hyperdeath used star blazing
Missed G.T IRL landed behind G.H.P
G.T IRL used Gaster Blast
Barely Missed
G.H.P used multi- shot
G.T IRL used cheap shot
Hit for 10
G.H.P is stunned
G.T IRL used multi knife
Hit 3x
Each did 50 overall did 150
G.H.D acted and chose apologize

No body won
"Apology accepted" IRL but his eyes went black again "but if you make an accusation like that again I will End You" IRL said and his eyes went normal and he went for the door "take care now" IRL said as if nothing happened... Wow that man is like a fucking demon or some shit

Ok now that accusation is way off I reformed Chara and they worked I know that for a fact Chara was waiting for me in the car and we drove home

A few minutes later...

We arrived home and got out of the car and and walked inside I sat down on the couch next to Chara "I think I'm going to take a shower I'll be right back" I said walking to the bathroom walking in and closing the door

Charas POV
Why am I doing this I no longer have control of my body its as if someone is controlling me or something I too out the syringe and walked towards the kitchen where Austin was cooking we was busy mashing beef I was close to him with the syringe he turned around "oh here Chara whats...up" Austin said then backing away from me "p-please don't kill me im to awesome to d-die" Austin said I stabbed him in the neck blood started to burst everywhere then I kept stabbing, and stabbing till I felt sane again as if the force went away my hands were covered with blood "oh god... What have I done?" I said to myself looking at my hand I wrote a small note and placed it on the corpse gathered my stuff and left so I couldn't hurt anyone

A few minutes later...

I got done with my shower got dressed and walked into the hallway "hey Austin is dinner done yet?" I yelled huh he usually is done by now I walked into the living room "Chara?, Austin?" I yelled
*but nobody came
I looked into the kitchen and there was my brother... Dead on the ground with a syringe in his chest there was a note on him

Dear IRL
Sorry for killing your brother I don't know what's happening to me I can no longer control over myself I don't know what to do anymore so I'm going to mt.ebott so I won't hurt anyone hope you understand and hope we can still be friends but if not you have every right not to be but still sorry

-your potential ex girlfriend
Chara Dreemurr

I just started to laugh and activated my eye looks like Asriel was right Chara tried to kill me I called him
Asriel: hello?

IRL: yeah we need a talk about your sister

Asriel: what did she do?

IRL: nothing much just killed my Brother!

Asriel: oh yeah we do plus... I told you so!

IRL: look gloat all you want but if you will excuse me *voice does cery deep basically in a demonic tone* Im gonna turn your sister into a corpse seeya later *hangs up*



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