Chapter 4: Wedding

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Asriel's POV
Well today is the big day for me and Frisk IRL helped pay for it all so in exchange I let him be my best man and from what I heard Chara was the brides maid so it works out I guess plus I was told IRL had a surprise for me once we got there and apparently Sans was in on it as well anyways Me, IRL, Austin, and Sans got into tuxedos and drove to the church

Frisks POV
We were on our way to the Church in our own car I was with Chara, and Toriel "you know what I just realized Chara is the only one who can participate in the bouquet toss" I said "How?" Chara asked "well Toriel is divorced so I'm not sure if she can and it's just gonna be all of us there and no one else so your the only one" I said then suddenly Chara started to blush "so no matter what your gonna marry IRL next and there's nothing you can do" I said laughing a bit "hey the best part is though I bet IRL will be blushing at that fact soon" I said Chara smiled we arrived at the church and of course Asriel's car beat us here "alright it's just like a visit to the dentist... That will probably end with sex" Chara said "oh yeah but I bet your just dying for IRLs dick as well" I said Chara put there shirt over their face to hide there blushing "oh my god that burn Frisk" Toriel said we got out and walked in

A few minutes earlier...
Asriel's POV
Ok I will admit I'm a bit nervous for this "look cheer up bud im over here rootin for ya" Sans said And Frisk walked in in a beautiful white wedding dress and as frisk was walking up IRL, Austin, and Sans took out kazoos "now guys" IRL said

Play into only

By the time Frisk got in front of me the Priest had yet to arrive "uhh guys wheres the priest?" I asked "Sans... Release the souls" IRL said suddenly looking down as if he was a robot and he was deactivated Sans opened up multiple soul jars every color from red to black swirled around and The Actual Austin was in front of us "huh so this is what it all looks like... Looks like what I imagined cool anyway someone find me the book thing this is my first time doing this" Actual Austin said Sans handed him a bible "Thanks Sans" Actual Austin said "ahem... Were gathered here today for this amazing couple of Asriel Dreemur and Frisk... Hold on Frisk whats your last name?" Actual Austin said "umm... Just go with it" Frisk said "anyway Asriel do you take Frisk as your wife?" Actual Austin asked "I do" I said "And Frisk do you take Asriel as your husband?" Actual Austin asked "I do" Frisk said "then as Admin of this book I pronounce you two Husband and wife... You may kiss the bride" Actual Austin said I kissed Frisk an I could see my dad give me a thumbs up we went to the after party surprising Actual Austin was able to attend but we all had a good time... And no not that good time that IRL gives out which im mortally scared of but then the bouquet toss came "ok ladies go to the center for the bouquet toss and no divorce ladies cannot participate you had your chance" Actual Austin announced only Chara went to the center "well heh looks like Chara is the only one so yeah honestly Frisk you don't have to try" Actual Austin said Frisk tossed back the flower bundle and of course Chara caught it "well due to energy I gotta go but before I leave Chara... Thank you ...peace" Actual Austin said there was a flash of light and he vanished and IRL came in "well im back honestly I wish I could have stayed longer guys" IRL said "hey you may just be a huskbut we all love you the same" Frisk said "heh thanks guys" IRL said "but umm still Im sorta scared cause I didn't think Chara would catch the bouquet cause im a 15 year old in a 28 year old body I am not ready for dis" IRL said "well remember technically you aren't marring her your husk is just keep remembering that and you'll be fine but if ya do have sex... That will probably be a different story" I said "Y'know sometimes I just want to make more souls so I can slap you personally" IRL said then "wow touchy subject then" I said "but still I think I'm gonna head home early I'm really tired" IRL said "you sure we still have yet to eat cake?" I asked "actually I think I might but I think I might take a nap so if you need me I'll be over here taking a nap just wake me up when cake comes out" IRL said taking a nap near a corner "well he's out" I said and Frisk came over to me "hey Asriel we're about to have cake c'mon" Frisk said "I'll be there soon let me wake IRL" I said waking him up "we're gonna have cake now" I said we walked towards the large cake "well might as well" I said pushing Frisks face into the cake everyone laughed which Frisk grabbed a small chunk of cake and shoved it in my face again everyone laughed then me and Frisk cut the cake and everyone got a slice "y'know this really isn't that bad" I said "yeah It's pretty good not gonna complain" Frisk said "ehh I've had better" IRL said after we had cake we all went to the apartment to hang out

Maybe an hour later idk :P
Everyone was drunk off their asses exept IRL then we decided to prank IRL a bit "alright Chara we're going to prank IRL so I need you to go in there wearing this" I said handing her an apron saying 'please have sex with me IRL' Chara put on the apron "alright go and make IRL feel embarrassed!" I said following Chara into the living room where IRL was sitting on the couch he looked at Chara and started to blush a bit "umm... Chara" IRL said "yes?" Chara said "If you could please take off the apron it makes me uncomfortable" IRL said "It was Asriel's idea" Chara said IRLs eyes went black "oh was it now?" IRL said "well looks like someone wants a good time" IRL said I got scared "cmon Chara let me show ya" IRL said walking outside with Chara following him wow I know Chara wanted a boyfriend badly but why him of all people, why the most powerful person in this stupid timeline and a more important fact my friend looks like everyone went home as well then me and Frisk decided to go to bed besides it was getting pretty late so I was lying in bed with Frisk "you how was your day today? Good?" I asked "yeah it went swell in my opinion at least" Frisk said "yeah today was great to be honest" I said "good to hear now get some rest" Frisk said and we both fell asleep


I went to my room for my usual gaming cause do I look like I have anywhere else to be then Chara walked in "what'cha playing now" Chara asked "oh just the usual Call Of Duty so nothing real special" I said "oh cause I was wondering" Chara said then sitting on my lap "if you wanted to kiss again?" Chara said I began to blush I died in the game then I turned off the game and kissed Chara which then we started to make out sitting on my bed I could tell what she was gonna do next "look Chara" I said "yeah what is it?" Chara asked "look I know im just in this husk but i'm just not ready for y'know... that" I said "oh thats ok its fine I'm actually not ready for that either I thought you were so I was going to" Chara said "well if you want we will when were both ready" I said "yeah that would be nice... anyway I still have some leftover chocolate wanna share?" Chara asked "sure" I said Chara left the room to get her chocolate and she came back and we ate the rest of the chocolate then Chara passed out laying on me then I went to sleep as well

END... of chapter =P


so who's liking book 2 so far? =)

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