Chapter 7: An Old Friend

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Charas POV
When we came home there was Gaster and another man wearing some kind of golden medieval looking armor it wasn't Asgore but there presence felt fimiliar "oh Great news IRL I tested the machine for shits and grins and it worked!" Gaster said "ah Chara I believe you Haven't met Actual Austin" Gaster said no wonder his presence felt familiar he is basically IRL but IRL great now im confused Actual Austin got up from the couch to see an additional black cape "Nice to properly meet you Chara I'm him" Actual Austin said pointing at IRL "but just call me Double A or DA im fine with both and here well I'm basically King Of All Timelines" DA said I was actually surprised I thought he was replacing dads job of being the King Of Monsters "but hey IRL wanna know something probably cool?" DA said "sure" IRL said "well your name is an acronym for... Inbook Recon Lifeform" DA said "wow I knew my name was an acronym but not that acronym" IRL said with me still confused as all fuck

I don't know how I was summoned here or how I haven't ran out of energy yet "Gaster how am I not gone yet?" I asked "well I built a power generator which is supplying you with soul power as we speak you can be here as long as you like without running out of power" Gaster said I was surprised he actually did it but then I thought about something all stories have a protagonist and a antagonist and since IRL (that bitch) solved the conflict there is no antagonist... I wonder how great it would be if I was the Bad Guy I mean sometimes I am right but this is most likely one of them "y'know guys since I'm new but I know everything wanna see some of my attacks?" I said "yeah sure" IRL and Chara said "as much fun as that sounds I got to head to the lab to make sure the generator is ok" Gaster said leaving "ok seeya later" I said "goodbye" Gaster said, Me, Chara, and IRL walked outside to showcase my attacks "ok you guys ready?" I asked "yep" IRL and Chara said I used my weakest one which in my opinion was still overkill

DA used Time Laser
A large laser fell from the sky and landed in the backyard causing a massive crater "Holy Shit DA your powerful" Chara said "well if you have Writer Magic and Time Magic you gotta practice with it" I said "now watch this" I said
DA used Cosmic Strikes
Then multiple lasers fell from the sky smaller than Time Laser and didn't really do much terrain damage "As Sans once said 'so cool' " IRL said "Thank you I try my hardest" I said we walked back inside "also IRL did you know I have tier 10 Writers Magic" I said and he was very amazed "holy fuck I only have tier 1 how did you get... Never mind that actually" IRL said "best part I can have any thing... Computer spawn in Item 227" and I spawned Toriels famous Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie "help yourselves" I said y'know what I will be the bad guy It sounds very... Interesting then Sans came in "hey I just came in to see how you two were... Doing?" Sans said looking "hey if it isn't mr. 4th wall breaker" Sans said "heh funny joke Sans" I said "hmm... Your thoughts" Sans said "what thoughts?" I said "don't play dumb with me I can read minds how do you think I judge people" Sans said well shit looks like my covers blown

(I'll wait to use the battle song cause near future it's going to be great in that situation)
DA used predict
Sans did Gaster Blaster
DA used Time Laser
Sans: Holy Fuck!
DA: I wonder now who's in for a bad time? Oh wait You
Sans did Bone throw
DA: I can see the future and your fate is sealed here and now
DA used cosmic strikes
Sans: I know your intentions I won't let it happen... There will be peace
Sans did Final Move
DA: hmm you know what would be funny... You meeting the void just like your father =) but my version

DA used Void of Sin Rift
Sans left the battle
Well one of many hard parts were done I turned around to see Chara and IRL in awe of what I've done "well I guess im gonna head to my about to be built Time Castle so yeah bye" I said walking out the door "Computer Activate Noclip" I said and I flew to a nearby hill "Computer spawn location number 234" I said and The Castle appeared Exactly how I imagined it I walked in same as the outside exactly how I imagined with a color scheme of black and bright green good thing it came with a directory I went to the The Throne Room there was a panel with images Knights, Achers, and Citizens with a limit of 200 overall so I appointed 100 Knights, 50 Archers, and 50 Civilians and I looked outside to see the castle packed with people and see guards patrolling I now really feel like a king "My Lord you have visitors" A guard said "give me a description of them" I said "three humans, two skeletons, and 2 goat people who seem to be part of the Kingdom Of Monsters" the guard said "y'know what let them in" I said time for a good old fashioned Blood Bath!
I saw the visitors walk in just as expected Frisk and her band of predictables "like what I've done with the place?" I said "Wheres Sans?!" One of the skeletons asked I believe if I remember correctly his name was Papyrus "he is in my special part of hell... The Endless void of sin" I said "How Could you do that?!" Papyrus said "he asked for it he judged me without permission" I said "Doesn't matter I'll Avenge him!" Papyrus said suddenly Activating an eye I remember reading something like this

*book Austin read*
Gaster the Royal Scientist before Alphys created 3 experiments, these experiments could lift heavy objects and give the user a great weapons these weapons are called "Gaster Blasters" and the experiments are commonly referred to as "The three Eyes"

It is commonly believed that Gasters two sons Sans, And Papyrus have these eyes but the third was lost no one knows where it went or have any clue on its current location

The three Eyes had different colors and different powers for each A blue one which grants teleportation, an orange one granting great skill in any task, and a red one which grants great power
*end of book segment*
"Ah so the orange one appears" I said "You will pay for what you've done you son of a bitch you call yourself a god!" Papyrus said "listen I don't have time for games plus I'm pretty sure you know its a fight you can't win" I said "but tell you what I'll give you all a few weeks to prepare then you guys come back and you all can Try to kill me or whatever but if you don't show up I'll just destroy this timeline myself" I said "You Monster!" Toriel said "I know what you are but what am I?" I said I always wanted to use that burn especially on an actual monster "look I would like to stick to chat but I'm going out to get lunch so yeah goodbye" I said walking out the door and activating Noclip and flying to Grillby's I deactivated Noclip and sat down at one of the tables

Asriels POV
Well great thanks to Papyrus were all doomed by a potential friend but I will admit the decor here is amazing "well guys lets head home" I said we all got in our cars and we all drove to IRLs house cause apparently he had an Idea or some shit like that we all got out and walked in "well were fucked, Game Over" Frisk said "nothing is over till I say so he does have a weakness" IRL said "like what?" I said "the soul power generator, we destroy it DA will vanish" IRL said "yeah that could work" Gaster said "but he is probably either guarding it or is currently building another" Gaster said worried "wait he could be watching us, he might be using you IRL" Papyrus said but wow I've never seen Papyrus said "maybe there might be a way to end this peacefully" Chara said "look he sent Sans to a void of nothing but rule 34 and porn there is no way this can" Austin said "well there must be a way to get him out" Frisk said "there might be a way to get him out but I'm not for certain" Gaster said

San's POV
So this is what hell is like im litterally surrounded by sin as I feel like I'm in the internet right now I looked around and found a book with the word 'Soriel' on it I opened it... Then instantly put it down "Nope fuck that shit" I said to myself then DA appeared "enjoying the stay?" DA asked "oh if it isn't the fuckstick" I said "I hope your enjoying the sin as much as I did oh and see this?" He said showing me a tablet with everyones names on it "I could kill anyone just with this" he said putting his finger over 'Papyrus' and swiping over to see a 'Delete' button DA was about to press it "you wouldn't dare!" I said "oh I won't press it In fact I only use this tablet only emergency" DA said "but thats only part of what I can do with it" he said going to a tab to see a live camera feed of IRLs house "currently there trying to find a way to defeat me but trust me that won't happen" DA said "oh and Chara glitching in the timeline that was me as well" DA said "well I will let you out If" DA said "you join me Sans I can give you unimaginable power in fact so much you don't need that blue eye of yours" DA said "No I wont do it I won't kill for you!" I said practally yelling "Shame here I'll leave my tablet here so you can watch your friends die... Have fun" DA said dissapearing

Charas POV
This plan is insane I know DA was controlling IRL so I bet I can make him change "So it's decided we leave tomorrow for the generator" Asriel said "well we need Sans first we destroy it he will be still trapped" Papyrus said "look how about I just end him myself!" Undyne said "you can try if so I want to go I want to end this peacefully" I said "give me one good reason why we should let that bastard called a god live!" Papyrus said "if he was controlling IRL then that means he is my boyfriend as well so I think I can make him change" I said "well it's your idea so your on your own for this one" Papyrus said "alright I will leave leave tomorrow" I said then IRL walked up to me "ok If you do go know that I will be rooting for ya but but please don't try anything stupid please he can kill anyone or anything instantly" IRL said "don't worry this will be over before you know it" I said

Later that night...
I packed a bag to take with me on the way in y'know something to do to keep DA entertained if this does work but hopefully it does I laid down next to IRL "well you ready for tomorrow?" IRL asked "yeah but if everything goes south I put a knife in my bag" I said "but seriously don't die or try anything stupid" IRL said "don't worry IRL I got it all covered" I said "ok then lets get some rest cause I gotta drop you off at his castle tomorrow" IRL said I closed my eyes and went to sleep


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