Chapter 9: The Grand Finale

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Ahh code can be easily manipulated they really think I want to leave just priceless I just want to kill Gaster so he can't deactivate it besides he and I are the only ones who know how to oh but when everyone will see me backstab them oh the BLOODSHED! Honestly though plus my town hit revolutions quickly so we already had helicopters so yeah... I used writers magic what can I say sometimes im not patient we got in "Alright heres the plan we drop in we breach I kill Gaster and your friends will probably still be alive once we get there" I said "wait drop in?!" Chara said "yeah they'll hear us coming otherwise so we have to parashute in" I said "I'm terrified of stuff like this" Chara said "don't worry" we said hovering over the destination "besides it will be fun" I said jumping out as I said 'fun' ahh the wind felt great but also hurt my ears then I saw IRL and Chara floating next to me "alright deploying shute" I said pulling the string to get the parashute to work and the others did the same and we landed outside the building "looks like they beat us here" I said looking at the cars "lets head in before its to late" IRL said we walked in to the main lab to see the generator and Frisk and them near Gaster I used my magic to move them "oh if it isn't the fuckface that trapped me here" I said acting "Austin if you wanted to go back you co-" Gaster said I cut him off "Now die so I can go home" I said taking out my desert eagle and shooting him in the face Oh it felt good "You Fuck!" Papyrus yelled running towards me about to hit me I dodged So Predictable I used my time magic to summon a bolt and struck him dead in the chest "You Idiots" I said picking up the generator surprisingly it was small for it "what?!" Frisk yelled "We had a deal DA!" IRL said "look why give up this much power! Look IRL I had to create the timelines while your ancestor husks and you destroy them... You Failed you let this one live" I said "please DA you don't have to do this" Chara said heh it's cute on how they try to get me to turn over to good "look Chara give me one good reason I shouldn't just off Papyrus Right now and leave you all here to die" I said They walked up to me


Wow a musical number since when did the book have enough budget for that "look DA we forgive you and if you want we welcome you with open arms" Chara said And Now for the art of backstabbing "Really now?" I asked she extended out her arms asking for a hug I walked up to her "NO not this time!" IRL said coming in between me and Chara "look Husk 267 Stand down!" I yelled "No I'm not going to take orders from a megalomaniac like you" IRL said "Shame 267" I said pushing a button and more husks spawned in the room "Husks 268-290... Kill 267" I said and there was a massive battle in front of me I spawned IRLs trenqilizer gun and put Chara to sleep I used Noclip to get through and to the castle "ahh peace" I said laying the woman next to my throne and sat in it "my lord you have group transports coming in" one of the armed guards said "kill on sight we can't let them in" I said "we'll arm the troops" a guard said "actually you guys take a break I'll deal with them myself" I said getting on my battle armor "as you wish my lord" the guard said leaving

Asriel's POV
Well great Gasters dead and that son of a bitch has my sister "alright I say A massive full scale assault" Papyrus said laying down with a bandage over where DA shot him he got hurt pretty badly "no he will be expecting that" I said "how about I help" Sans said how in the hell did he get here "Sans how did you get here" I asked "well apparently it wasn't a void just a room in the middle of nowhere but while I was there I met my spirit animal and I bet you can't guess what it was" Sans said "what was the animal Sans" Frisk asked "oh it wasn't an animal it was a meme apparently I can turn into a Memelord and I bet he won't see it coming" Sans said dressed ackwardly I will admit he looks like a Memelord to me "so it's settled Sans you distract DA at the front while we sneak in and get Chara and defeat DA" I said theres no way we can fail "guys follow me" IRL said taking us all into his room then a wall flipped over showing tons of weapons "whatever you can carry take" IRL said Im pretty sure I played enough COD to pick my loadout an M1911 and a Scar-H fully customized Frisk just took a tiny handgun and IRL he got a full arsenal on him, what he usually takes "alright everyone to the cars this is War" IRL said we got in and drove for the castle we saw DA from a good while away "heh though you could go against fate" we could hear him say then his cosmic strikes came down we all had a radio if this ever happened "Everyone split up" I heard it say I drove on a nearby road "my car got hit I'm pulling back to repair" I heard Papyrus say on it then we saw Sans flying towards the castle then he somehow summoned a sword and started to clash with DA we drove into the castle got out and walked in I saw my sister chained to the chair "you ok?" I asked "if you think being a sex slave is alright then im just fucking dandy" Chara said then Me and Frisk were pushed out out of the throne room all who was now in there was Chara and IRL

Friskriel: Soul and Souless (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now