Chapter Thirty-Six

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I tried to shove the lifeless big lug off me, but he was dead weight. Literally. Yes, I was fully aware I was a vampire and I possessed superhuman strength, but I was also a girl and I had a big, ugly, smelly, bleeding, and disgusting body sitting on top of me. So I did what anyone in my position would do...I panicked and screamed my freaking head sue me.

"Why are you screaming?" Bubbles asked, staring down at me with her hands on her hips and all sorts of judgment on her face.

"I have a dead body on me!" I screeched, flaying my hands around from underneath the behemoth. I'm positive I looked like a tipped over turtle.

"So?" The lack of caring in her tone was not lost on me.

"So? So? So!" I squealed, my voice getting higher in pitch with every so that blasted past my lips.

"Oh for crying out loud, calm down," Bubbles said, putting her hands over her ears.

"I will not calm down!" Okay...I really needed to stop acting like a parrot and repeating everything she said. It wasn't like she was about to give me a cracker. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm down, but all I got for my efforts was another repulsive whiff of the dead body and all my attempts at calm flew out the window. "Get this asshole off me!" I cried.

A set of size 14 shitkickers came running up to the side of my head. Looking up, I saw Fang smiling down at me.

"Nice work, Red," he said with an appreciative nod of his head.

"I helped, your Majesty," Bubbles cooed with a curtsy.

"Good work, Courtanya."

"Thank you, your Majesty." She giggled, ducking her head as she blushed under his approval and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger while looking down at her toes peeking out from her sandals.

"Excuse me!" I broke up the party with a screech. "If you haven't noticed, I am plastered underneath a dead body!"

"By the way she is acting, you would think she'd never killed anyone before," Bubbles sniffed, looking down at me with a frown.

"I haven't killed anyone before!"

"What kind of vampire are you?" She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at me. Her lips were pressed together so tightly it looked like she didn't have any.

"She has killed before," Fang said in my defense. "She wiped out at least four of Stoker's men by sending them plummeting to their death over a cliff where they exploded in a ball of fire."

Oddly, I was both proud and mortified at the same time.

Bubbles snorted, unimpressed. "Causing a car wreck doesn't count," she said with the finality of an Idol judge sending someone off the stage with nothing but shattered dreams. "Having personally witnessed the way she drives, I would assume wreckage would naturally follow in her wake."

"Hey! What did I say about the insults, Tinkerbell?" Obviously, the bonding faze of our relationship was long gone. Unless she was one of those ones who shows affection by insulting you, then I would have to say the girl was down right in love with me.

"I'm not insulting you. I am simply describing you." She gave me sugary smile. "There's a difference."

Fang chuckled, but quickly muffled it with a cough when I growled at him.

"You know what's not different?" I asked, looking up at the both of them and blinking my eyelashes innocently.

"What?" Fang asked, cocking his head at me.

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