Chapter 1

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A new Opie (and Jax) story just for @DanaTimmons73! I'd love to hear your opinions! Xoxo

"Excuse me?"

Opie turned, tossing his wrench on top of the toolbox, to see a short brunette, oversized cherry red sunglasses on top of her head, looking up at him with wide doleful eyes.

"Yeah?" He wiped his hands on an already stained rag and jammed it back into his jeans.

"My name is Josie, I'm looking for Jax Teller, I'm a friend of his ex-wife Wendy."

Inhaling sharply, knowing this stranger's arrival probably meant trouble, Opie shook his head. "He's not here."

"Okay," she sensed he was being purposely evasive. "It's important I find him. I'm really worried about Wendy."

"Why?" His interest, and his concern, was piqued now.

"I haven't spoken to her for a few weeks and I know she's pregnant, which can be stressful," she trailed off.

"You think she's using?" His forehead scrunched up as he looked her for more information. "I know she's an addict. You know her from meetings?"

"That's not really your business," she said forcefully. "She won't answer her phone and whenever I go by the house she's not there."

Opie's lips puckered as he thought over his options. "Alright, I'll take you over there. I know someone who'll figure out what happened."


"Jax's mother."

Opie bumbled down the lot, Josie's tiny legs struggling to keep up, and handed her his helmet as he threw his leg over his bike. With a sharp flick of her wrist she pushed her sunglasses down over her eyes and stuck the helmet on her head, it was so big that it slipped down over her eyes as she climbed on behind Opie.


Wrapping her arms around him, her hands barely meeting in front, Josie tried to enjoy the exhilaration but she was far too concerned about Wendy. They first went to find Gemma, Josie was impressed by the house the moment she laid eyes on it, but quickly they were off again and pulling up outside Jax's.

"Wendy," Gemma barked as she knocked on the door.

"I've been by a few times," Josie explained. "She never answers the door or the phone."

With a look of disapproval toward her, Gemma walked around the house peeking into windows and checking to see if they were locked. Half way around she stopped cold, seeing Wendy sprawled out on the kitchen floor, and called for Opie.

"Get the door open," Gemma panicked. "Call 911," she ordered Josie.

Once the door was open the three of them, Opie last with the least emotional involvement, headed into the kitchen. Josie checked Wendy's pulse but knew better than to do anything else before the paramedics arrived.

"I'll find Jax," Opie announced. "You want to go to the hospital, you can go with Gem."

"Like hell," Gemma sneered. "Goddamn junkies are all the same."

Josie didn't flinch, used to the hateful words, but watched as they raced Wendy out of the house and toward the hospital. "You should go find Jax," she mumbled to Opie. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Sorry about her, she can uhh, be tough."

"I've heard worse." she shrugged. "Funny if I wasn't though, she'd feel pretty stupid."

"Guilty by association," Opie guessed. "Let me drop you back at TM."

She nodded silently and followed him out again. "Thanks for your help."

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