Chapter 4

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Opening her eyes slowly he next morning, cuddled up close to Jax, Josie felt regret wash over her. There was no doubting the physical attraction but the night before was certainly a desperate act to ease their pain. She sat up and gently tapped his chest, smiling sweetly as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning," he said sleepily.

"Hey," she whispered. "I gotta run, sorry."

Leaning up on his elbows he nodded and kissed her on the cheek. "Alright darlin'. You gonna be around to see the kid later?"

"Yeah, I have a few things to do but I'll be there this evening."

Jax smiled and nodded as she slipped out of bed and redressed. "About last night," he started but Josie quickly silenced him.

"It's all good, Jax," Josie pursed her lips. "I'll see you later."


After cleaning up Josie headed into work. She sat alone in her office, the very same one where she counseled addicts and had lunch hour gab session with Wendy. Not only did the memory invoke guilt and regret from having slept with her best friend's husband but it strengthened her sorrow as well.

She should have taken a sick day but Josie wanted to ignore the pain as long as she could. Jax did the same that day; pretending nothing happened and he hadn't lost anyone. When he arrived at TM Bobby did a double take.

"Hey," he stretched out his arms for a hug. "I'm sorry about Wendy."

After returning the hug Jax shook his head. "I'm good, I don't want to talk about it."

"Jax," Gemma popped her head out of the office. "A minute?"

He looked at his mother, knowing exactly what she had on her mind, and followed her back into the office.


"You sleep with her?" Crossing her arms over her chest she glared at him already knowing the answer.

Jax scoffed. "You're asking me that?"

"Wendy just died," she shook her head. "I wasn't a fan but Jesus Christ, Jax." Her head tilted to the side. "And what are you gonna tell Ope when he asks?"

"Asks what?" He said defensively, his arms out as he stated at her unflinchingly. "He's not gonna ask me shit and my sex life isn't your business. It's creepy and you won't bring this up again."

"Where's she now?"

"Mom," he growled. "Stop."

Jax stormed out and going directly to his bike raced off to clear his head. He would be gone for a few days, driving through the mountains and crashing during he evenings at the cabin while Charming and it's residences went on normally.

Josie was in and out of the hospital, thankfully not having to see Jax, and spent her time working through her conflicting emotions as she sat beside Abel. The whole situation was terrifyingly familiar and watching such tragedy from a suffering angle not only made her grateful for the drastically differently outcome but it sent her guilt surging.

The next day Josie decided to grow a spine and head to TM. She didn't want to call Jax, it felt too personal, but she was wondering if he had finalized the date for Wendy's funeral.

"Are you his receptionist?" Josie laughed as Opie greeted her.

His eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "Huh?"

"Whenever I'm looking for Jax it seems you're the one to tell me he's not here."

Annoyed a bit he tended and shrugged. "I didn't know you were here for him."

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