Chapter 7

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"What was that about?" Opie asked, handing Abel back to Josie the moment she walked back in the door.

"What was what?" She bounced Abel gently hoping to ease him back to sleep and kept her eyes on Opie.

"That, with Hale, what was that?" He wasn't mad but intrigued and impressed. "How'd you pull it off?"

"My pretty face," she winked. "I told him I fired back, not you."

"What?" He drew his head back and stared at her in shock. "You covered for me," he couldn't wrap his head around it. "Why?"

Josie smiled. "You're a good guy but it's a long story. I just buttered him up and used a few sob stories to back him off."

"Mind sharing?"

She shook her head. "Not tonight, I'm tired as is."

Jax arrived, providing a distraction, so Opie let it go for the time being. "Soon," he said. "Maybe over a few beers. Just me and you?"

"Ope," she sighed. "As friends, yeah."

"Abel," Jax charged in. "Everyone okay?" He asked as he pulled his son from Josie and held him close.

"We are," she smiled. "Ope really stepped up."

Opie's eyes narrowed as he looked at her, unsure why she'd downplay her role. "It's what we do," he shrugged.

"Any word on who?" Jax asked as he gave Opie a one armed hug.

"No, we just got Hale out of here," Opie shook his head. "I haven't heard from anyone."

"I should go," Josie interrupted.

"No," Opie and Jax both snapped.

"It's safer if you're with us at the clubhouse," Jax argued, "Just for the night."

"I'm good," Josie smiled. "Really."

"Let her go," Opie shrugged. "She's good, this is about us, not her."

Jax nodded but once she left they both agreed to send a prospect to watch over her. Josie knew, it was in her training, but she didn't mind. She went about her evening as usual and took their concern as a compliment.


*Six Years Before*

"Agent Hotcher, I'm Josephine Montgomery. I was told to report to you this morning."

Hotchner looked Josephine up and down, unimpressed, and shook her hand. "I just read through your jacket again. I remember my original recommendation, you need more time in the field."

"I guess not everyone agreed," she said timidly.

"Nepotism," he said. "There's a desk for you in the bullpen. JJ can help with any questions you may have."

"I assure you I'm qualified." Despite her assurances she still spoke sounding less than confident.

Hotchner didn't say anything else. He led her down the steps to the empty desk and introduced her to the team. He went around the room; Morgan, Greenaway, JJ, and finally Reid.

"And Agent Gideon?" She asked eagerly.

Reid, the youngest, slightly odd, agent pursed his lips. "He isn't here right now."

"Oh," she was visibly disappointed. "Okay."

The team looked at each other quietly, all knowing how Hotchner felt adding to the uncomfortable air around them, and gave her polite hellos. Morgan handed her a file with a little smile.

"Your chance to start proving yourself."


There was not one shred of evidence or word from the street that shed any light on who the shooter was. That was the point, that was Kohn's plan, but the sudden emergence of another federal agent changed things. Simply goading them out, forcing them to bring an investigation upon themselves wouldn't work now.

When Josie left her office the next afternoon she saw Opie lingering by her car. She stopped, before he noticed her, and sighed as she started toward him again.

"Hey," she smiled. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I was in the mood for some beers," he shrugged. "Thought we could talk."

"I actually already have plans," she said regretfully.

Frowning, Opie nodded and pulled his keys from his jeans. "Am I reading this wrong?" He asked, his lips twitching as he waited, his stomach churning with anxiety waiting for her answer.

"You're not," she sighed. "My shit is complicated and I like you, I do, but nothing can happen here."

"You think my shit ain't?"

Josie chewed on her bottom lip and shrugged. "Ok, so you have a dead spouse too but it's more than that."

"You and Jax?" He asked, clearly hurt by the prospect.

"I don't feel anything for Jax," she closed her eyes, "But I did made a mistake with him. Please don't tell him you know, he asked me not to say anything to anyone, obviously he regrets it too."

Opie felt his heartbreak give way to anger and embarrassment. It was no secret he was interested in Josie but Jax didn't seem to care, nor did he have the courage to tell Opie himself.

"I don't care," he said quickly. "I just want to hang out with you, really."

Josie felt her cheeks flush and her stomach knot up as he looked at her with such earnest eyes. "Okay, beers but I have to see Abel first."

"I'll text you the bar and we'll meet there in an hour?"

"Sounds good."


Josie was dismayed to see Gemma was home rather than Jax but he arrived not long after. She ignored Jax for the most part, focusing on Abel, but he interjected himself forcefully.

"Any luck with the shooter?"

"Not yet," Jax was clearly annoyed. "We'll get him though, no doubt."

She smiled and nodded. "I'm sure you will. I feel like I should tell you Opie and I are having a few beers. I know what happened didn't mean anything but it just felt weird to keep it a secret."

"I never said it didn't mean anything." In a flash he was on, endearing and charmingly emotional, to win her. Jax didn't realize it was purely jealousy and possessiveness but even if he did he couldn't explain why he felt that way.

"Jax," Josie sighed. "Can we not do this? You said you wanted to keep it a secret, you said that morning it wasn't anything."

"We just lost Wendy," he sighed. "It was a mistake, too soon, but that doesn't mean nothing's here."

"It's just beer," she said to pacify him. "I don't even want to date anyone, let alone either of you."

Jax chuckled a little, "We'll see if I can't change your mind."

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