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hunter my favorite person; coby im coming over in a half hour for our movie date!

coby the cutest; yay im so ready to see you again babe!

hunter my favorite person; !!1!!1!!!!

hunter unlocked the door of coby's house with the key that coby had given him so long ago.

hunter and coby had been dating for two years now, and hunter was the happiest he'd been in a long time.

"coby! i brought skinny pop your favorite because i know you're 'trying to watch your waistline'. even though you're super skinny," hunter babbled.

hunter heard the shower and turn on and just decided to get the food ready for their movie date by himself.

after about twenty minutes which was way longer than coby had ever taken a shower, hunger got up from the kitchen stool and made his way to the bathroom.

surprisingly the door was unlocked and hunter pushed the door open. he walked in and looked at the shower only to see two bodies inside.

"ah hunter what are you doing!" coby screamed covering up the other person. hunter's mouth gaped open when he saw a busty women in shower behind coby.

"coby what are you doing?" hunter asked softly, not believing what he was seeing.
"it's not what if looks like," coby said, grabbing a towel and stepping out of the shower. hunter's eyes started to tear up, he's seeing his boyfriend that he loved cheat on him.

"then what is it? coby? i thought we had something but obviously you think otherwise," hunter said, inside he was shattering into a thousand pieces but outside he was standing his ground.

"i-i–" coby started but hunter cut him off.

"no save it. you're going to listen to me. first of all i though you were gay, but that's not what's important. i trusted you. that's a big deal for me and you this it all away by sleeping with her?

"why would you do something like this? do you have commitment issues? because we could have worked through those. what? am i not good enough for you? am i not enough? do i not meet your standards because i've given you my all for two years and this is what i get in return.

"we're done coby. and i'm even more upset because you didn't even try to interrupt during all of that. i guess you never really cared about me. i should have known that. bye coby."

"hunter wait don't leave!" coby shouted but hunter was already on his way out. coby ran to catch him. fortunately coby's feet were still wet from his steamy shower exchange and he slipped in the hallway, sending him to the ground with a thud.

before hunter left he went back to the kitchen and grabbed his popcorn, at least someone could use this for good breakup food.

when hunter got into his car he let his long awaited tears fall. he thought he and coby could actually have a life together. but coby threw it all away.

hunter picked up his phone and shakily dialed marshall's number. marshall picked up on the third ring and answered with "yo hunter what's up bro."

"i need to talk to you," hunter sniffled.
"woah are you okay?" marshall asked, his tone now turning more concerned.
"no i'm not okay. can't cheated on me and i really need to talk to you. i'm on my way home right now," hunter told him.

"yeah of course. i'll probably be a little later than you because i have something super important to do but i'll be there," marshall said.

"what do you have to do?" hunter asked.
"surprise," marshall responded.

let's just say the special surprise had coby in the ICU for a month or two.

my poor baby doesn't deserve this :(

written: july 1, 2016

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