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"Marshall I don't want you here when Barry gets here," Hunter complained. Hunter was in so shape for people to be coming over. He was sitting on the couch with only his boxers on, eating a tub of Edy's ice cream.

"But I need to approve of your potential lover," Marshall argued. Hunter rolled his eyes at his friend and took another bite.
"How about you open the door and then you can go," Hunter said.
"Deal," Marshall agreed, and he leaped or he couch and ran to his room.

When Hunter finished the ice cream he threw the carton on the ground, too lazy to walk to the trash can that was all the way in the kitchen, and walked to his room to get dressed.

He searched through his whole closet, not finding anything clean. He just resulted in digging through his dirty clothes pile to find something.

He really just wanted to wear his pajamas. Hunter picked up his phone and dialed Barry's number.

On the third ring Barry picked up.
"Hey I'm on my way over," he said.
"Can I wear my pajamas because we're just going to watch tv," Hunter asked.
"I'm wearing sweatpants and a S.T.A.R. Labs shirt. You can definitely wear pajamas," Barry told him. Hunter have a sigh of relief and put his pants back on.

"Ok I'll see you in a little bit," Hunter said. Hunter felt a tickle in his nose and sneezed.
"Bless you, and bye," Barry said and he hung up.

Hunter put his phone back down on his nightstand and went back into the living room. He pulled out all the movies he had and turned on The Walking Dead while he waited.

Barry rang the buzzer to Hunter's apartment number and nervously fiddled with his hands. He felt amazing in his clothes but thought he looked like a hobo. He hoped Hunter thought he looked ok.

Hunter buzzed him in and Barry walked up the fourteen flights of stairs it took to get to Hunter's apartment. Barry waited for a second bestie he knocked because he was afraid he was going to throw up.

Is this a real date? Does it count? Do I look okay? Are we gonna kiss? That would be nice.

Barry finally pushed away his thoughts and knocked on the door. It opened not even a second after he knocked. In the door stood a tall blonde guy, probably Marshall, Hunter's roommate.

"Hi I'm Barry," Barry said, extending his hand. Marshall just stood there with his arms folded, trying to look tough in front of Barry. When Barry realized that Marshall wasn't going to shake his hand he pulled it pack and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm Marshall. What is your business here?" Marshall asked. He was really just trying to mess with him and make him nervous.
"Um I'm here because Hunter and I are watching movies together," Barry said. His face had been red for a minute now, embarrassed with this awkward encounter.

Marshall stepped aside, letting Barry in. Barry gave him a polite head nod and walked in. Barry walked straight forward, hoping that he would easily find Hunter.

When he saw Hunter laying in the couch with his adorable bed head and his pajamas on Barry stopped and looked.

"Oh hey Barry," Hunter said nonchalantly, as if his best friend hadn't totally just scared the shit out of him

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"Oh hey Barry," Hunter said nonchalantly, as if his best friend hadn't totally just scared the shit out of him.

"Alright Hunter I'll go now. See ya Barry!" Marshall said, picking up his keys and dropping his tough guy act. Barry's mouth fell open when Marshall said that so nicely.

"So Barry ready for this marathon?" Hunter asked, giving Barry that smile that everyone loved.

"Most definitely."

aw i thought this chapter was kind of cute. it was the longest one too. this is going to be so weird when i publish this because im writing the whole thing before i publish any. i wrote this chapter on June 9, 2016 (i went back and put the dates in the chapters before i wrote this) (this is inception i can't) and idek when i will be publishing this.

one more chapter after this... im not ready

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