Chapter 47: Quality Time

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Jumping ahead.  The triplets are 13.  Norah is 11.  BJ is 5.  The twins, Mitchell and Karson are 4.

--Eliza's POV--

All of the kids were at school, Mitchell and Karson were in preschool and BJ was in kindergarten.  Norah was in 6th grade and the triplets were in 8th.  Jeanna and Lauren were interested in two classmates and Carter already had himself a girlfriend.  The annoying part about it was Brandon thought it was okay for Carter, but when it came to the girls he was on the edge.  I was home making some desserts.  I was extremely irritated with anything and everything.  I was having a very bad day and it all started with a disagreement with Brandon.  Following that I was at work and I hurt my shoulder.  At the store, I crushed my hand in the door and at the house I fell and hurt my side.  Yeah a very bad day.  It was close to the time to get the kids.  I covered everything and shut off the stove and oven.  I got outside and slipped on some ice.

"Eliza?  Are you all right?"  Dave asked running over.  "You look like you were hit by a truck."

"I wish."  He helped me up.

"Where are you headed to?"

"The schools.  I have to pick up the kids."

"I'll do it.  Go inside and call the doctor.  I'm not too sure you didn't break something."  He said.

"No."  I said.


"Brandon will be mad."

"I don't care.  I'll deal with him.  He's being rude and it's not right.  You're his Luna.  Go call your father."  He took the van and I went inside.  I called my dad.

"Dr. Patterson."


"What's wrong Eliza?"  He knew I never called unless it was an emergency.

"I need you to come to me and Brandon's."

"I'll be right there."  He arrived and Brandon arrived shortly after.  My dad was looking at my hand when Brandon walked in.  "You look like you've had a bad day."  My dad joked trying to make me feel better.

"You could say that."  My dad looked up and glared at Brandon.

"I already heard it.  I came to take care of my wife."  My dad wrapped my hand and slid a brace on that could go over my wrist.  He finished up and wrote a prescription for pain medicine.

"I'll go pick it up and bring it back.  Eliza I want you to rest as much as you can.  You have some broken ribs.  Your shoulder is in bad shape and so is your hand."  He stood and looked at Brandon.  "And you, watch the attitude."  My dad left and I fixed the pillows on the couch. I carefully moved so I was laying down.  Brandon offered to help.

"Just leave me alone."  He went into the kitchen.

That night, I was feeling a sharp pain everywhere.  I was just sore and trying to sleep through it.

--Brandon’s POV—

I was filling out some paperwork when I heard a whimper coming from the living room.  I removed my reading glasses and set them on the kitchen table.  I proceeded to the living room.  I sat beside Eliza and touched her hurt shoulder knowing that my touch could ease some of the pain.  My wolf surfaced and we slid between her and the back of the couch.  Her pain medicine was wearing off, but she couldn’t have any more until after midnight.  I pressed a kiss to her forehead and she smiled in her sleep.  “Branny, I’m sorry.”  She whispered.

“It’s not your fault.  Come here girl.”  She slid her good arm around my neck.  Her hurt hand against my chest and I held her to help ease the pain she was feeling.  A mate can only take away so much pain and she had many injuries to her shoulder, ribs, and hand.

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