Chapter 50: Lesson Learned

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Part 2 for Honeymoon for 2?

--Eric's POV--

"Jeanna!"  she took off like a bullet.  I knew she was scared.  She just killed someone.  I also knew that she wouldn't be about to shift until I calmed her.  "Take care of the bodies.  I have to go take care of my wife."  I ran downstairs.  "Jeannie?  Come out for me please?"  I followed her scent and found the strongest scent in a room full of boxes.  "Jeanna, it's me.  Come out please?"  I moved some boxes and found her in wolf form in the corner facing the wall her paws over her eyes.  "Jeannie."  her wolf was just a little bigger than a pup.  "Anna."  she moved her paws and looked at me.  My wolf shown through my eyes.  "Shift back for me."  she just whined.turning her head to the wall.  "Anna, shift back for daddy."  she liked that.  Her tail wagged just a little.  "Anna, don't make me use my Alpha tone."  she stumbled to her feet.  That's when I saw the blood.  Her beautiful white fur stained with blood.  I touched her side just lightly and she yelped backing away from me.

"How bad is it?"  Naomi asked.  She was in Justin's arms crying.  "Alpha please... I'm so very sorry.  I couldn't hold her anymore."

"I don't know how bad it is!  Call the fucking pack doctor!"  Jeanna yelped running and hiding behind Naomi.  "She can't shift."

"Her grandfather is on the way."

"Jeanna, come here.  I need to hold you to help with the pain."  Naomi carefully picked her up and handed her to me.  Jeanna tried to get away.  She didn't want to show weakness because she thought Luna's should be strong.  A Luna is only strong with her Alpha and an Alpha is only strong with his Luna.  She heard that thought and stopped struggling.  In the exam room, her dad and I held her down while she struggled knowing she was going to get stabbed with a needle.

"Anna!  Enough, you will hurt Jeanna!"  her grandfather commanded showing more strength as an Elder.  She was given a shot.  She began to relax slowly.  Her grandfather cleaned up her wounds and wrapped her side.  I was sitting beside her on the bed, my face in my hands.

"Eric?"  I looked up.  "Are you hungry, son?"  her dad said.

"No thanks."  I spoke quietly knowing he could hear.

"Why'd she shift anyway?"

"I told her to because the guy had a knife to her throat.  It was stupid I know."

"No, it was the right thing to do in that sense, but she shouldn't have went after him."

"She was protecting me.  She didn't have to I was fine."

"Jeanna knew that, but Anna and Zora didn't.  Anna's just a pup compared to your wolf.  She heard you and got scared, so she did what Zora told her.  She went after the one that caused you harm.  They didn't know.  It was worry for you."

"Why won't she shift back?"

"Her injuries.  Her wolf must heal first, before she can shift and heal the rest of the way.  She will though.  I'm going to stay here with her mother.  We'll leave in the morning when we know Jeanna is okay."  I gave a nod and he left the room.  I turned back to my wife.  Then I realized Anna was trying to force the shift.

"Anna, don't do it.  You and Jeanna both need to heal."  she whined trying to turn.  I slid my arms under her and ever so gently moved her into my lap.  I fell asleep.

Around midnight, I felt Jeanna move.  I woke up and saw her shifting.  Her wolf yelp because of the stiffness and her bandages.  I wrapped my arms around her and she licked my face.  "I love you too.  Now shift and give me Jeanna."  she shifted into my girl, crying.  I held her pulling the blanket over us.  "It's okay.  I won't let anything happen to you."

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