6- Deal or no Seal

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Lovino POV

Feli sat me down in my study and zipped open his book bag and pulled out a book it looked like the pages were photocopied, hmm that's weird.

"Feli What's that book?"

Feli looked up from the book and said "oh you don't notice it? Okay maybe you can have a look inside" he said sweetly passing it over with a smile.

I snatched the book out of this hand and opened it to look inside. It looked like a diary with handwriting that was familiar, a bit too familiar......


Feliciano POV

Damn right I did.

"So fratello" Feli leaned in and started to whisper, "Here's the deal. You do what I say and I don't show your diary to anyone. Capeesh?".

"Bullshit! Well sweet little brother, you are as dumb as always!".

He ripped the diary in his hands in to pieces and looked at me in triumph, I sighed.

Silly fratello.

"Oh big brotherrrrr" I sang as I put my bag on lap and opened the zip revealing a bag full of books identical to Lovino's diary.

Lovino POV

Oh crap.

I fucked up.

I fucked up bad.

"Feli.... be a nice fratello and give me the bag " I say cautiously like I was talking to a wild animal instead of my northern counterpart.


"Oh you can take the bag ve~" he laughed.

"Wait what?". I am so fucking confused.

He leaned in again and said menacingly "I have copies everywhere and if you dont listen to me, they're going to go to everyone especially to- Wait what do you call him again? Oh yeah the tomato bastard".

Everyone. All of my thoughts and secrets to EVERYONE.

Feliciano got up walk to the door and said "You can start with making Luddy go on a date with me"

He walked out and a few seconds later I heard the front door open and close.

This is gonna be a massive pain in ass.

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