8- Dammit I ship it

18 2 2

Sugar *throws gerIta* Spice *throws spamano* and everything nice *usuk, Giripan, rochu*
Feliciano POV

We were at Lovino's house preparing before I ask Germany out for dinner.

"Lovi I'm not sure about this like what if he says no" I stuttered because this is some deep spaghetti.

Luddy is so handsome and smart and he always helps me out when I'm scared OMG what if he's sick of me!?!?!

I'm just little Feliciano who's small and weak, I wish I was like Lovino, he stands up for himself and doesn't get scared of anyone who gets in his way.

Unless they get his diary of course.(͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Lovino rubbed his temples and sighed "Chill your pizza he's not gonna reject you". "How come? How do you know Luddy will agree to come" I answered back still scared.

"We're Italian it's our duty to chase the booty" he declared, his hand on his chest. "How's that Spanish booty then fratello" I smugly replied with a massive grin.

Oh no he looks like a big red ball of destruction. RUN.

He screamed. Haha he looks funny. I ran out and waited for him in the car for the drive to doitsu's house.

《Time skip of Feliciano trying not to die in the car with Lovino brought to you by Iggy azealand ==》

Ludwig POV

Ugh today has been a long tiring day, mein Brüder Gilbert decided to have his btt meeting at our house, well not exactly meeting more like gossiping and getting wasted. I wonder how Feliciano is doing.....

I don't what's wrong with me lately but I keep thinking about him, verdammt. He wouldn't wanna go out with me though.

Anyway, Francis ran out saying Joan, his roommate, was going to kill him and Gilbert and Antonio were talking about the woes of their love lives.

Ding Dong

"I'll get it" I called back, leaving the two men or should I say children to themselves.

I opened the door and there was Feliciano with his very sinster looking brother behind him.

"Umm Hallo Italia" I tried to say causally but it ended up sounding like a comand but it didn't phase him at all.

I could tell he's gotten used to it but something off with the way his acting like he's nervous about something.

"What do you want to tell me Italy?" I questioned.

He jumped and squeaked "what do you mean? It'snotlikeimnotgonnaaskyousomethingbutimeanthowdidyou-"


Meanwhile in the living room~

Antonio POV

My Lovino radar went off and i got so excited that i ran to the hallway at top speed and smiled when I saw a red faced Italian at the door.

No wait correction.

My red-faced Italian.

"Lovi~" I sang and he looked at me then turned and ran out of the house and sat in red ferrari parked outside.

Oh. He might just want to have his own space. thats okay. It's totally okay. I'm a bit loud as well so he might not like me. At all.

I sighed and walked back to the living room.

Feliciano POV

Okay I'm just gonna go and ask him.

"I like pasta! you must like pasta and you know where you can get pasta? (Pause and a confused Ludwig) A restaurant! so LET'S GO ON A DATE" I said rushed.

Wow. Smooth

"Ja, that sounds like a plan" he rubbed his chin "okay tomorrow at 8?" He turned red and said "goodnight Italia" and closed the door.

Holy macroni. YES

I dance back to Lovi's car and get in. Best day ever!

A gerIta chapter for the fam with some btt mischief. ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡

And I felt like posting two chapters in one day because I dunno I'm feeling pretty snazzy.


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