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Isolophobia- The fear of being alone

Name: Riley is the name her adopted brother gave her but her birth name is Kanako

Age: eleven turning twelve

D.O.B: Unknown

Species: Human though she has healing powers.

Appearance: Kanako stands at the height of 4'6 inches which is just about normal for a girl her age. She has pink reddish hair and lightly tinted purple eyes, though her hair color isn't natural but more of what she calls a 'defect' due to a accident, she tried to dye her hair to her adopted brother color and it went very wrong. She seems to always being wearing a sweater of sorts, especially a camouflage one that she was hugging when first found, not that she can fit it she wears it almost everywhere.

Relationship status: crushing on a fictional knight from a story

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Relationship status: crushing on a fictional knight from a story.

likes: Candy apples, lollipops, books, winning , any type of competition, her family

dislikes: gummy bears or any candy with a face on it kinda makes her feel odly guilt. Being lied too, spending all day inside, being left alone worries her a lot.

Other: Riley is a child that went missing as a child after the murder of her parents, she was too young so she doesn't remember anything about it or how she was out wondering all she knows Is that she's been with Ambrose as her older brother ever since


Keade: her adopted older brother.

-mercenary- her real family though she doesn't exactly remember them so alli and ryoichi are kinda strangers to her at this point.

disillusioned humanity (Oc's)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin