Chapter 8: Trouble in paradise

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Naruto and Fuu arrived just as a grumbling Sakura did, at the designated meeting location. Naruto then had a bad feeling and he looked up and growled out, "You!"

The boy from earlier smiled and replied, "Hiya..."

Sakura looked between the growling pair of jinchuuriki and the new boy.

All attention was pulled away from the group when Kakashi spoke up. "I see that you've met your new team member," he said happily.

Naruto and Fuu again growled at the boy. "Such animals..." the boy said with a smile on his face, but no feeling in his voice.

Another man came forward and said, "If I may Kakashi-sempai." Kakashi nodded and the man continued. He then continued, "For at least this mission, I will be taking Kakashi-sempai's place in Team Kakashi."

Sakura nodded and then turned to Naruto. She then asked, "You know this person?"

"Yeah, Fuu-chan, Shikamaru and Choji got the pleasure of being attacked by this idiot," Naruto replied.

The boy bowed and said, "I'm sorry, but I wanted to gauge the abilities of my new teammate. I just didn't know how much of a prick I'd have to look after with no balls."

Naruto became irate, but Fuu began to laugh. She then put her hands on her hips and said, "I assure you that he is fully functional and has all his equipment."

The boy smiled at her and then replied, "Ah, so I shall call you slut and will assume that you have no judge of ability or size."

Naruto went pale and Kakashi moved in front of Fuu. "No Fuu, you and I have a mission to accomplish and fighting with Sai will not help anyone. It will be for Naruto to figure this out. I would also advise you Sai to not aggravate either Naruto or Sakura, because if you do, you might find out what they learned under a Sannin and I'm sure Yamato here will not interfere unless it endangers the mission. Knowing them it more than likely will. So I would just keep your mind to the mission and that goes double for you two." He emphasized his point by pointing at Naruto and Sakura.

Naruto growled at the boy, but his pupils were blue, but with slits for irises. Naruto finally replied, "Fine Kakashi-sensei, but you better keep him in line Yamato-taicho."

Sai smiled and began to speak, but Yamato's hand covered his mouth. "I'm not Kakashi-sempai and have my own way of running a team. While I like to interact with people in a gentle manner... I'm also not opposed to asserting my dominance and ruling by fear, becoming a tyrant if you will." Sai nodded, as did the other two from team Kakashi.

"Let's go Fuu," Kakashi said, and then jumped up to a close roof, while waiting for Fuu to follow.

Fuu glared at Sai, kissed Naruto on the cheek and then jumped up with Kakashi.

Yamato finally spoke up and said, "From now on the four of us are on this mission. Just look at you... there is no time to just throw you all into a cage and get used to each other... so introduce yourselves."

Kakashi sighed when he saw Fuu stewing from the earlier confrontation. "You need to let Naruto deal with him, since they are on their own mission, Fuu," he said with a sympathetic tone to his voice.

Fuu glared at the jounin, but then sighed and said, "Fine Kakashi-sensei, but what are we doing?"

Kakashi smiled under his mask and replied, "We are going to complete your disguise with a trip to the Aburame clan."

Fuu nodded and followed Kakashi to an elaborate area that had a cave entrance and a couple buildings, along with an elaborate garden. She then noticed two people in trench coats waiting at the gates for them. The both bowed to the Aburame clan members and had their bows returned.

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