Chapter 11: Exams start

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Naruto sighed yet again. He hated having to take written tests, but here he was yet again doing a written test. Luckily for him he knew more of the answers. This portion of the exams went along fine and the trio seemed to be on their way to finishing the exam quickly. The trio left the room when the question at the end pointed that if they stayed they would fail, so they left. They were met outside the room by Matsuri and were escorted to the front gates of the village.

Naruto's team and other teams were at the entrance of the training grounds for the second section of the exams. Naruto and Fu sighed heavily when they saw how much sand there was. Sai seemed to not be phased by the sand covering the area. The rules were similar, but also a little different. They were to get scrolls from other teams, but also collect three glands from a certain creature in the sands. They waited a half hour in the stifling heat. Naruto perked up when he felt excitement moving through the contestants. The door to the gate opened and the trio entered.


The trio sat behind a rock while it was pelted by kunai and shuriken. Naruto looked at his teammates and asked, "How did we get pinned down?"

"You wanted to get a fourth gland even though we had three and both scrolls. Good going dickless," Sai said in a neutral tone.

Fu giggle and said, "I can assure you that he does have one."

Naruto's jaw fell when and he wined, "Fu-chan!"

Sai looked at the girl in confusion and said, "I understand that, for he is male, but the way he acts he must have a small one."

Fu scowled and said, "If I were you I would worry less about his dick and more about our opponents. His dick is my job to worry about."

"Ah as his whore, that is what you worry about that?" Sai asked, only to find himself flying in the direction of their opponents.

Fu held her hand out with a red fist, while Naruto sighed and crossed his fingers, saying "Shadow clone jutsu." He and ten copies of the blonde jumped from their position. They all quickly ran towards where their opponents were hiding. He began to laugh when he rounded the large stone. All three of the Kusa shinobi were lying unconscious under a sprawled body of Sai. Naruto quickly pulled out some wire and tied up the foreign shinobi. He then knelt before the female member and said, "So you guys ready to go to the end point or still searching?"

The girl scowled and replied, "Like I would answer you, Konoha jerk."

Naruto smirked and turned to Fu who wore a smirk and asked, "You think that we're going to go easy on you?"

The male said, "You are from Konoha and not going to do anything to us."

Sai looked at the male and asked, "Would you like me to ask them?"

Naruto chuckled and replied, "You don't have any emotion. Can you restrain yourself?"

Sai shrugged and replied, "I'm not sure Naruto-kun, but letting your girlfriend deal with them might be a safer bet."

Naruto shrugged and then said, "We each take one and get our questioning done." Naruto turned to the other male and created a Rasengan. He smiled as he brought it towards the Kusa ninja and asked, "Answers or you'll be returned to Kusa in a body bag."

The man's eyes went wide and he quick said, "We lost our scrolls and glands to a Stone team. They also hurt Mimi-chan."

Naruto sighed and turned to Fu. He then said, "Fu-chan, take the girl and check her out."

Fu sighed and pulled the girl over her should and walked around the rock. Sai looked curiously at Naruto and then pulled his sword away from the Kusa shinobi he was questioning.

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