Chapter 13: Tsuchikage's Troubles

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Onoki was walking with Tsunade and Gaara in front of the hospital when there was a surge in chakra and then a hole was blown in the wall. A Iwa shinobi rolled from the debris. The man looked back at the hole only to see a red aura coming from the room. He quickly turned and ran down the street only to disappear quickly.

Gaara looked quizzically at the other leaders who just shrugged their shoulders. Gaara and Tsunade stepped on a platform of sand, while Onoki floated to the hole. They saw an angry Fu in a fighting stance standing protectively in front of a bed with a sleeping patient.

"If I may ask, what are you doing Fu-san?" Gaara asked.

The demon cloak faded and she glared at Onoki. "I saved this girls life from her jounin sensei," she replied angrily.

"Who is she child?" Onoki asked.

"Uzumaki Ami," Fu answered angrily.

Onoki brought his hand to his chin and said, "I see..." he looked and saw the injuries on the girl.

Tsunade looked at the girl and then said, "She was raped by her teammate and then beaten and this is the second incident. He claimed clan prerogative, but both Naruto and I am of the Uzumaki clan and would not allow anyone into the clan if they raped one of our clansmen."

"Are you going to press the clan issue?" Onoki asked in a dejected tone.

"I'm sure that Naruto will and if you stay Tsuchikage after I retire you will have to deal with him and I'm sure it won't be pleasant. He might even demand her and any remaining Uzumaki clan members that remain in Iwa to be released to Konoha," Tsunade replied.

"Inform your Uzumaki boy that I wash my hands of Akihiro. He is liability and while I wanted him to go far, if this Naruto is favored by both of you and is the student of Jiraiya then I will not stop him from seeking vengeance upon the boy. While I do not condone his behavior I do oppose him being used a political tool for either of our villages. As for my jounin, he will be punished and Iwa will pay to have your hospital repaired," Onoki in an irritated tone.

Gaara nodded and replied, "That is most prudent, since Fu-san was protecting a patient."


Akihiro knelt before Onoki with his head down. "You know that you've caused an international incident with your libido?" he asked in an angry tone.

"But Tsuchikage?" Akihiro said in protest.

"I don't want to hear it! I let the Uzumaki join the shinobi core as an attempt to bring them and their sealing knowledge into the village. I do not and I repeat do not condone rape as a way to enter into a clan. You should have helped her and wooed her into liking you and then marry her for that reason not to steal secrets. That is for after you have infiltrated the clan. The way you did it was a way to cast suspicion upon yourself. Now because of you and Yanda I will more than likely have to allow that clan to emigrate to Konoha. I wash my hands of you and will more than likely recommend that you not become chuunin even if you survive the Uzumaki boy. Just understand that I had to make sure that Tsunade, the Hokage, didn't turn you into a smear on the street or that boy of a Kage, Gaara, kill you outright for doing such a crime in his village. Now tell Yanda that he is on report for getting caught in attempted murder and destroying another village's property in front of me. Now get out of my sight," he exclaimed.

Akihiro left quickly. Kurotsuchi sighed and exclaimed, "He is a pig and we should let him be taken by the other villages and punished."

Onoki chuckled and replied, "Oh I think that the Uzumaki boy will make him pay for his transgressions if it is to be believed. I have also negotiated a little surprise for Ami-chan. I just wish that the boy could have controlled himself and not caused such an incident. Integration of the Uzumaki clan would have been smoother, but now we can't have them at all. By the way send Toki back and have the remnants of the Uzumaki clan pack up and head here. They should be here in a few days. If nothing we can at least give Konoha a little grief by taking them in." He chuckled and then continued, "We should make the most of what is given to us. Make sure that those dozen women are moved here before the exams. I don't care what has to be done. I want them here to see that Iwa isn't totally against them and that we can eventually have them come back in peace when they are eventually betrayed by the leaf, yet again."

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