Kemaru :)

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Kibum was on the living room watching some late music show on tv, when he heard a door open. He saw Soohyun walking out of Kevin and Kiseop’s shared room. “Hey, Hyung!” he greeted him. Soohyun just smiled weakly and went outside of Ukiss’ dorm. Kibum, now worried turned the tv off and peeked into the room where his hyung came from. He has seen that the lights are turned off and noticed Kevin rolled up on the corner of the room. He first thought twice before coming in since it has been a long time when he and Kevin have talked seriously after the latter and Soohyun have been together. So he collected all his courage and went near his dongsaeng.


The younger, startled, looked up to see him and immediately looked away to cover his face and to wipe off what seems to be tears.

“Are you alright?” He continued. “I saw Soohyun-hyung went outside, and-”

He was cut off by the younger suddenly standing up.

“I’m fine Hyung. I’m just tired… I’ll sleep this off. Please go out now…” the younger pleaded.

Kibum then stepped outside and heard the door click locked. He was worried of his dongsaeng so he stayed for a little more, then he heard faint sobs at the other side of the door. Then, finally deciding that he could not do anything more about it, he went to bed and just wished that everything will turn out fine by the time he wakes up tomorrow.

Morning came and he was woken up by the maknae, slightly tugging him.

“Hyung, wake up. Breakfast is ready. And do you know where Soohyun-hyung is? Alexander-hyung has been trying to contact him since this morning, but there’s no luck finding him.”

With this realization, he looked at the bed opposite his and noticed that is was still as neat as it was yesterday.

“Ahmmm… I saw Soohyun-hyung went outside last night… but I did not notice him coming back.” He answered still half-asleep. He was planning on going back to sleep again when the maknae dragged him outside to the washroom. “Wake yourself up Hyung, everybody else is eating now you better join in, too.” The maknae then left to go to where the others are. After waking himself up, he went straight to the dining area to find four members seated and eating silently. Soohyun and Kevin are not there.

“Where is Kevin?” he asked no one in particular. Eli looked at him and just shrugged. He sat down to start eating, when Kiseop cleared his throat and said’ “Kevin is still sleeping. I didn’t wake him up because he just slept. He’s been crying all night. I think he and Soohyun-hyung got into a fight.” Kibum nodded in understanding. But by the way he knew his best friend, he thought that something else is definitely up.

Lunch time came and Kevin still would not come out of his room. That’s when Alexander decided to wake him up for they have a schedule today for a program in Arirang. He then, just asked Kibum to buy something to eat from the convenience store nearby.

Kibum went down and looked for everything Alexander asked him to get in the store. He passed by the frozen section and saw Kevin’s favorite ice cream and decided to throw it in, too.

“To make him feel better.”He said to himself.

When he came back to the dorm, he saw no one so he put everything down on a table, grabbed the ice cream and headed to Kevin’s room.

He knocked and opened the door to go in. He was welcomed by the younger’s shouting.

“Alexander, I told you I am not going! I’m not feeling well!” the younger exclaimed in English.

“Relax Kevin, it’s me.”Kibum said.

“Kibum-Hyung…” the younger looked at him with a deadly glare in his eyes.

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