I ♥ U, KISSME (2)

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I stayed at my bed for the whole afternoon after I left Ukiss’ dorm. I can’t stop thinking about Soohyun-ssi. He’s been hot and cold towards me. One minute he’s kind, and then another minute he’s being a jerk. I know they all say he’s kind and funny, but what do I know, maybe they’re only protecting his image or something like that. But, all the others seem to be very nice and they are all good to me… so maybe he is also a good person. But, why is it like that? Is he only being like that to me? Or maybe it was still my fault. I have caused trouble to him. Maybe that’s why he acts that way to me.


I screamed all my might at my pillow hoping that my frustrations would go away with it.

Good thing Kevin-ssi sent me a message earlier that I do not need to go tomorrow. I could use a day without seeing him, he’s giving me a headache.

I sighed as I was thinking that I will not be seeing them tomorrow. They are all good to me, although that have been making fun of me earlier today. I’ve only known them for a few days but they have grown on me.

My phone vibrating beside me interrupted my thoughts. It was Kevin-ssi that was shown on my screen. I stared at it thinking of why he would be calling me. After a few moments of making my mind wander, I remembered that the common thing to do is to answer when someone is calling you. And so that’s what I did.

“Hello..” It was a little noisy from where Kevin-ssi is calling but I could still hear him clearly.

“Ah, Hyunjin, this is Kevin. Are you busy, can we ask you for something?”

“Huh? What happened?” I asked worriedly.

“Soohyun-hyung is sick.”

“Soohyun-ssi? Is he alright?”

“I think he is, he’s at home now.”

“Oh.” That’s good to hear. I thought something bad happened. But why would they call me?

“Can you take care of him while we’re out? We have another schedule ‘til later tonight.” Kevin answered my thoughts.

Take care of him? While he was alone? At home?

Who’s gonna save me if he gets angry at me again if no one else is there?

“But,  uhm…”

“Please take care of him… Uhm, I have to hang up now. Our manager is already calling for me. I’ll just see you later, okay? Bye.” Kevin said very quickly, not even waiting for me to respond to what he said. I guess they will be busy until later.

After a while, I receive a message from Kevin-ssi again saying thank you and telling me of their dorm’s passcode.

Since, I don’t have anything else to do today, I guess I would have to come check on him.

I just changed my clothes to something warmer and I headed out to go to their dorm.

When I arrived, I called out to Soohyun-ssi but only silence greeted me. I went to his room and opened the door as quietly as I can. I peeked in and saw him sleeping soundly so I closed the door again and went to cook. I made porridge for him to eat when he wakes up. I got a bowl and went back to his room to check on him.

He looks like he is peacefully sleeping. He is wearing some fancy clothes just like this morning which made me think if he always sleeps like that. He must be really tired. He looks a different. I mean, he is still as good-looking as I first saw him, ehem. But he looks pale.

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