I ♥ U, KISSME (4)

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After several days of whole day promotions, Ukiss members finally got a long vacation. They have been touring Japan for three days to promote. Another day later they were gathered in their dorm, just slacking around.

“Ah, I’m bored, Let’s go out and play!” Kevin whined

Everyone is just sitting on the living room and doing nothing after they have finished watching a movie.

“Yeah, Soohyun-hyung just stayed home yesterday. Let’s all go out today!” Eli suggested.

“He’s right, hyung. We all went out, except you. Weren’t you bored?” AJ

“Yah, I’m tired… I wanted to rest, so I slept all day, yesterday!” Soohyun exclaimed

“Soohyun-hyung,” AJ paused for a while to get his attention, “just because Hyunjin-ssi doesn’t answer your calls, it doesn’t mean that sulk all day long, every day.”

AJ finally said. Everyone looked at him. They have been avoiding the topic for almost three days now. Everyone is shocked that AJ brought that up.

“Stop that hyung, you’re worrying us.” Dongho

Even the youngest, Dongho, who seems to not just care for anything frowns whenever he sees his hyung under his blankets every time they are not promoting outside.

“Yah, it’s not just your calls she’s avoiding, it’s all of ours!” Hoon protested.

He was also sad that Hyunjin is not answering his calls. Whenever no one is looking he also tries to call her, mails her, even. But, still, she did not respond. He feels bad for his hyung who seems very affected, but he can’t help it anymore, he needed to voice his thoughts.

“Stop that, Hoon-ah. We all know you like Hyunjin, too.” Kevin said

Kevin is also worried for Hoon. He and their leader likes Hyunjin, Kevin knows, everyone actually likes her. She is a special person for all of them. But he needed to stop Hoon from doing anything rash, he doesn’t want a misunderstanding between any of his friends.

“No. It’s just because-” Hoon

“She’s nice to you and you wanted to become friends with her.” Kiseop

“Yes, that’s right.” Hoon

“You’ve been saying those exact words for days. We all memorized it.” Kiseop

Kiseop tries to joke around whenever he can. When he noticed the mood between everyone became serious, he tried to humor it out. He doesn’t like it when tension builds up between them. He just hoped that Hoon was not that offended.

“But I don’t like her like Soohyun-hyung does…” Hoon murmured.

“Stop it, all of you! It’s not because of her, okay? I just wanted to take my time during our vacation to rest, a lot! In a few days, we’ll be going around Korea to promote and we’ll be busy again!”

Everyone, or maybe everything stopped when Soohyun snapped. No one moved or breathed. There was a long deafening silence after that.

Soohyun immediately regretted doing that. He never wanted to be angry. But everything is just getting on his nerves recently. He’s not mad at anyone, he’s just… stressed.

“Hyung, I remember you talked about a restaurant recently. Why don’t we just go there today?” Eli finally broke the silence.

Eli tries to take everything coolly. He knows everyone is stressed recently. It is especially hard because they can’t rely on their leader who is depressed, too. They are used to him being a rock that holds them together. But since he is like that now, he’s been trying really hard to cheer everyone up.

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