I need help

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(Luke P.O.V.)

Hey boys get your shoes on we're going to go to uncle Jason's house. I holler up the stairs. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys off of the counter as the boys come running down the stairs. I help the boys in to the truck and then get in and drive to Jason's. I let the boys out of the truck and they take off running towards the door where Jason is standing. Luke I thought you was on tour? Jason asks. I am but we have a month long break so here I am. I tell him as I give him a hug. You alright? you ain't acting like your self? Jason asks as we walk to their living room. Man I'm not going to lie I've been better. I tell him. I can see that come on you need to talk lets grab a beer and go outside so we can talk. He tells me as he walks to the kitchen and I follow behind him. Hey me and Luke are heading out back for a little bit, the boys are playing with the girls. Jason tells Brittney as he grabs the beers out of the fridge. That's fine I'm going to start dinner. Luke you and the boys are staying for dinner no arguments. Brittney says to me and Jason. Yes ma'am. I tell her with a chuckle. Jason hands me a beer and we sit down at their table they have set up outside. So what's got you so down? Jason asks with concern. Honestly a lot I mean its coming up on three years since Caroline passed away and then I want to find someone to take care of the boys while I'm gone. I mean I don't like depending on my parents or Caroline's parents to take care of my children while I'm away. I tell him with a sigh. Man I know how you feel. how about you hire a nanny that lives in your house and takes care of the boys while your gone and while your home? Jason asks. I mean that's what I've been thinking but it ain't like I can go spreading around that I'm Luke Bryan and need a nanny you never know what kind of crazy people you will get. I tell him with a smile. I know that. But I know someone who's looking for that type of job and she's great with kids I've let her watch the girls plenty of times. Jason says. Well what's her name and is she some kind of crazed fan? I ask. Her name is keenly alsip and she didn't go crazy meeting me when Brittney introduced her to me. Jason said laughing. Well she sounds like she would be perfect how do I get in contact with her? I ask. I'll text her your number and tell her to call you because you are looking for a live in nanny. Jason says pulling out his phone. Luke! Jason! dinner's ready. Brittney hollered out the window. We go in and eat dinner. The boys run off to the living room and me Jason and Brittney talk for another hour then I get the boys and leave. I take the boys in the house and then sit down in the basement at my desk after I get them to bed. My phone rings.

L: Hello?

K: Hi! is this the man looking for the live in nanny.

L:Yes it is you can call me luke.

K: I'm keenly is the job still available?

L:Yes but if you want it you are hired.

K: Yes I want it. When do I start?

L: You can start tomorrow at 11.

K: Alright thank you so much i'll let you go.

L:Ok see you tomorrow bye keenly

K: Bye luke

After we hang up I clean up the basement and then decide to call it a night.

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