Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up in a terrible mood. How dare Kyle nosy into my life?! Why are almost every guy I know happen to be an arsehole? I dressed in black to match my mood and stormed out of the room. I felt my phone viberate and checked the message.

Want a lift? Kyle x

I scowled. he probably only wants to see me so he can ask more questions. I quickly wrote a reply.


I switched off my phone and pocketed it. When I arrived at school I marched up to the gang, and sat of the floor. They exchanged looks.

"What's wrong?" Magenta asked. I shook my head, Jake moved next to me and offered me a Malteaser, I gave him a small smile. Suddenly, Nikki stopped right in front of me and started speaking, boasting on about Zack. I stood up, took two steps forward and shoved her out the way.

"You are pathetic, Nikki Thompson." 

I headed to the music room, as I had two free periods next.

"You should have smacked her." Brook told me when walking in to the room. Magenta shook her head.

"Anyway, what did you and that sexy Mr Kyle do when we left?" Asked Imogen smirking. I sighed and rubbed my face.


"Pfft, sureee." Said Brook, the sarcasm was clear in her voice. I rolled my eyes, and switched my phone on. five new messages.

Kyle: Hellooooooooo? 

Kyle: Why are you ignoring me?

Kyle: Oh, last night. Sorry.


I sighed and deleted the messages. I then checked the fifth one.

Can we talk? Z x

I stopped breathing and slowly replied.

There's nothing to say.

I quickly got a response, my heart ws hammering.

I need to tell you something, please x I wonder what he wants to talk abut

Fine. I replied, maybe he will leave me alone if I agree.

I'll wait for you outside school Z xx

I placed my phone back into my pocket, and looked at the clock. A part of me couldn't wait to talk to Zach again. Though no matter what, I will not forgive him or even think aboout giving him another chance!

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 I hurried out the classroom, after the final bell. My heart was going crazy at the thought of being near Zach again, talking and messing around. I missed him, and every attempt to forget him failed. As soon as I walked outside I saw him, smiling at me. My heart fluttered as I smiled shyly back.

"What was the rush." Imogen panted as the gang caught up. I hadn't told them as they would disapprove. I walked forward reaching, Zach and Kyle.

"Hey, Alice." Kyle said. I ignored him and walked up to Zach.

"Hi." He smiled at me.

"Hi back at ya." I replied

"Wait, Alice. What are you doing"  Jake asked. I turned and smiled a guilty smile.

"Zach wants to talk to me, so I'm going with him." I explained.

Everyone's jaw dropped, just as Nikki walked up.

"Hey Zachy baby, I'm ready to go." She smiled, batting her eyes. he ignored her and took my hand, leading me to his car.

"Wait, what's going?" Nikki asked. I held in a laugh and got into Zach's car, smiling happily.

After a wile of driving, he pulled up outside a local Costa and we headed inside. As soon as we sat down, I pounced asking questions.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked, he looked uncomfortable.

"First, lets catch up. How are you." I rolled my eyes, but answered his question hoping he would soon get to the point.

"Peachy, what about you?"

"Not so good." He replied, looking down at his hands and they rested on the table.

"Why?" I asked, trying to hurry up the conversation. He looked up at me.

"I fucked up big time with a girl who means the world to me." I froze and looked down at the table.

"Oh." An awkward silence followed.

"Alice, who was that guy waiting for you the other day?" Zach asked.

"It was Kyle, who happens to be an annoying, nosy dick." I said.

"Just a friend?" I nodded, and heard him sigh with relief.

"Aw, were you jealous?" I asked jokingly. 

"Yeah." He answers, I looked at him - his expression was serious. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Why are you jealous? You cheated on me." He winced.

"Alice, I am really sorry. It was a mistake, I don't know why I did it, I ruined the most important thing in my life and, hurt the person I love the most. Alice, can you forgive me?"

I stared at him and was shocked to see him be complete serious.

"I...I don't know..." I whispered.  He reached across and took my hand.

"Alice, please I'm begging you. Give me one more chance."

I couldn't believe it. Zach, who I dated for a year, who cheated on me and smashed my heart, was begging me to forgive him. 

"What about Nikki?" I asked

"She means nothing, she has always meant nothing, your the one I liked." I thought of what would happen if I said yes. The gang would be angry, Nikki would be furious but I would be with Zach again and I would be happy.

"Will you give me another chance??" I looked into his light brown eyes and sighed. 

I knew what the answer would be, my heart belonged to him.

"I will." I whispered

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