Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Time stopped. The music and chatter died down and the only thing I could hear was my heart beating rapidly. My brain shut down and I realised I was kissing him back. He pulled me closer and nibbled my bottom lip, asking for an entrance that I eagerly gave. Even though I could taste the alcohol on his breath the kiss was soft, full of emotion and passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair. For once in my life I felt like everything was perfect, the only thing that mattered was Kyle and I. His moan brought my world crashing back down like a fifty ton weight. The music blared and people were singing loudly. His expression matched my own, eyes wide and mouth in perfect ‘o’ shape.  I raised my hand to my lips and took a step back. Kyle swallowed and opened his mouth to speak but closed it. My brain was telling me to run but my feet wouldn’t move

“Alice. Wait!” I heard voices shout, but I ignored them, only when I reached my room did I slow down. I raised my shaking hands to my head as I began pacing the room.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit. Stupid fucking shit.” I muttered, trying to calm myself down. Brook interrupted me, by grabbing me. I soon noticed that the full gang was there excluding Liz.

“Well…that was one hell of a kiss.” She muttered. I frowned.

“You saw it?” I asked, my voice was still shaking.

“Honey, I think everyone did. You were in the middle of the dance floor.”

“I think some people even filmed it.”  Imogen joined in. I froze.

 “Shit!”  I screamed, collapsing head first on my bed.

“So you kissed. What’s the problem?” Brook asked. I raised my head and glared at her.

“What’s the problem? What’s the problem?! I have a boyfriend and to top it off I have to see Kyle everyday as I fucking live with him!” I screamed placing my head back of the pillow. I felt the bed move as someone joined me. They started stroking my back, soothing me.

“Ugh! Why did he kiss me? Why did I kiss him back? Why did I even come to this party?! I knew it was a bad idea! Stupid parties!” I growled.

“Calm down Alice, I doubt people will remember it tomorrow, they’re all drunk out of their minds.” Jake said, as he continued to stroke my back. I opened my mouth to reply, but here was a knock at the door. It slowly opened and Kyle popped his head in.

“Erm, can I talk to Alice please.” He muttered, not meeting my gaze. I looked at the gang and nodded. They smiled before walking out of the room. Kyle watched them leave before shutting the door behind them. We stood there in silence.

“My friends are staying here tonight.” I told him, biting on my nails, it’s a nervous habit. I kept my eyes down low and didn’t realise Kyle had got closer until he grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my mouth.

“Don’t do that.” He commanded, I raised my head to look at him. His blue eye’s met mine. He slowly let go off my hand and took a few steps back. His rubbed the back of his neck.

“Alice, about before…” I interrupted him before he could continue.

“Listen. It’s fine. We have both had a bit to drink, you more than me, and the atmosphere didn’t help. It was a mistake. Let’s get on with our lives, and pretend it never happened. Okay?” I asked. Hurt crossed his face before disappearing. How did I offend him this time? He slowly nodded.

“Yeah, good idea.” He turned and walked out of the room, not looking back. I sighed and collapsed on the floor. Brook stormed in.

“What did you say to upset him now?” I shrugged.

“I have no idea, the over sensitive git.”  I looked at each of my friends, thinking deeply.

“What’s up?” Jake asked. I bit my bottom lip.

“Zach yelled at me tonight. He called me a slag for dancing with other guys.” I told them.

“He did what?! What an arsehole! Who does he think he is? Alice honey, why are you still with him?” Imogen screamed in frustration. I took a deep breathe an d voiced my thoughts.

“I’m going to break up with him. Tomorrow.” They looked at me in silence so I continued. “I gave him three more chances and he blew all of them. I’m sick of him.”

“Finally!” Brook laughed, I shook my head smiling.

“Anyway, how was your dance with Jase.” I wigged my eyebrows at her. A pink tinge rose in her cheeks, Jake gasped.

“Brook blushed? Ha! Brooky blushed! Brooky has a crush! Brooky blushed! Brooky has a crush!.” Jake sang, skipping round the room until Brook punched him. He crippled over.

“I do not have a crush! Although, Jase did ask me on a date.” She smiled, the rest of us whistled. I wonder if Kyle will give me a lift tomorrow. I got up, and headed to the door.

“Guys, I’m going to ask Kyle for a lift to Zach’s tomorrow.” I said, before leaving the room. I knocked once and entered Kyle’s room.

“Kyle can you give me a li…” My voice got stuck in my throat. I stared at the scene before me. Kyle was on top of a beautiful blonde, both of them wearing nothing but their underwear.. They froze before Kyle jumped off the girl.

“Sorry. I did knock.” I whispered, looking down at my feet.

“What do you want?” Kyle asked his tone angry.

“Ca…can you give me a lift to Zach’s tomorrow.”

“Fine.” He spat. I turned and walked out the room closing the door behind me. I slid the floor, my back pressed agasint the door.

“Ew, who was that?” The girl’s voice asked, disgusted.

“it’s no one important.” He said. Tears welled up in my eyes. No one important? So much for being friends. I walked back into my room, ignoring everything. Kyle really needs to make up his mind! One minute he’s kissing me the next he is getting it on with some other girl.

You did tell him to forget about it. One part of my brain thought. I scowled. Yeah but not that quickly! Men, they are all the same! You can’t live with them, yet you can’t live without them.

I shook my head and concentrated on the movie we were watching. But I couldn’t help asking myself: Why do I feel so betrayed?


This chapter took so long! Ugh! I kept writing it, then deleting it, then writing it again. I also swamped with exams and assessments. Stressed does not cover it! Pleas vote, comment and fan because it was really cheer me up, and I need cheered up, before I throw a fit. Thanks for reading, blah blah blah. Peace out!

 p.s. I also need a cast! please, please help. I am begging you! I can not think of any celebs to match my characters! Pleas help! leave you r suggestions below x

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