Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Kyle’s POV

I stood in the kitchen, watching the scene in front of me. Jase was helping Alice carry all her bags down the stairs, laughing and joking, not knowing she was breaking my heart. I couldn’t believe she was leaving me.  I folded my arms and let my face be free of emotion. I wouldn’t show her how much she hurt me, though the dark circles under my eyes probably gave away how little I’ve slept. She chatted to Jason as if nothing was happening, like it was just a normal day, but it wasn’t. I ignored her voice, and turned my back to the scene. A car horn was heard from outside.

“That will be Zach, I better get going.” Alice announced. Jase hugged her.

“We’ll have to hang out some time.” He said and she nodded; a huge grin on her face. Then she turned to me, her smile dropping. I walked past her and opened the front door. She headed towards it.

“Take care.” Jase said to her.

“Don’t worry. Zach will take care of me.” I scoffed.

“Yeah because he has done such a good job before.” I sneered. Sadness was written all over Alice’s face and I felt a stab in my heart. I hated hurting her but she choose this. She chose Zach over me ad there was nothing I could do to change her mind. She took one look at me, maybe hoping I would crumble and apologise, but I didn’t move. She took a deep breath kissed me on the cheek and walked out slamming the door behind her, ending out friendship…

I turned and ran up the stairs pushing Jase out of the way. I didn’t want him trying to calm me down; I just needed some time alone. God, I sound like a girl. I slammed my bedroom door behind me, and punched the wall out of frustration. Why did I have to meet her?! I shouldn’t have spoken to her at the party where we first met! I should have just left her there then I wouldn’t be going through this much pain. I felt my eyes water at the fact I might never see her again, but I held them back. I would be strong, I’m not going to be the one that crumbles and begs for forgiveness. I tried my hardest to be a nice person, I let her into my home, and into my heart.

UGH! I switched my laptop on, hoping some loud music would drown the thoughts from my head. I turned on a random playlist and logged onto facebook. I instantly saw pictures from a couple of days ago. Theory of a Deadman- Not Meant To Be filled my ears as I clicked through the photos. Then I saw her, looking breath taking beautiful. I smiled sadly knowing I would never be able to look in those gorgeous blue eyes again. She was laughing and looked so happy, it killed me to know I had caused her so much pain. The song kept playing.

It's never enough to say I'm sorry,

It's never enough to say I care,

But I'm caught between what you wanted from me,

And knowing if I give that to you,

I might just disappear.

Nobody wins when everyone's losing


It's like

One step forward and two steps back

No matter what I do, you're always mad

And I, I can't change your mind


It's like

Trying to turn around on a one-way street

I can't give you what you want and it's killing me

And I, I'm starting to see

Maybe we're not meant to be

It's never enough to say I love you

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