Chapter 8

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There were so classes on Saturday, so Snape, gladly, could finally end his bewilderment and learn the truth once and for all.


The doorbell rang. Edmund, home still since his school didn't start until that Monday, opened the door to a tall, looming figure, dressed in all black stood in the doorway.

"Is your mother home?" The stranger asked, with absolutely no explanation to who he was or why he was there.

"May I ask who you are first?" Edmund replied.

"Who is it dear?" Mrs. Pevensie asked as she walked to the door. "Oh," she said, seeing who it was, "Please, do come in."

Edmund reluctantly moved so the man could come in. Peter came and placed himself behind Mrs. Pevensie. Both boys were giving the stranger suspicious glares. Mrs. Pevensie noticed this, which is why she called Susan downstairs.

"Yes Mom?" Susan answered, coming to stand next to her mother.

"Susan, why don't you show our guest to the living room while I go make some tea." Mrs. Pevensie suggested.

Susan led the strange dark clothed figure to the living room, the boys trailing after them. They all stood in an uncomfortable silence. Susan, being the queen diplomat she was, spoke first. "So, where are you from, Mr. ...." Susan prompted. Mrs. Pevensie came in before there was too long of a chance for him to respond, set the tea on the table and played her trump card.

"Children, why don't you all go to the movies or something. You've been inside the house ever since Lucy left. Tomorrow is your last day before school and I'm sure Lucy wouldn't want you to mope around the house the whole time."

They reluctantly left the house leaving only the black clothed figure and their mother in the house as Mr. Pevensie was still away for work, like always.


At the Park

"Who do you think that was?" Susan asked her brothers.

"I don't know, but I don't like him." Peter responded.

"Peter, you didn't even give him a chance." Susan reasoned.

"He didn't give us one either. He didn't even speak to us. And you've got to admit he seemed a bit suspicious." Peter replied.

"Whoever he was, Mom knew him, and she seemed to not want us there." Edmund stated.

Snape's Secret; Lucy goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now