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It's Simple by irateninja 

"I use you, you use me. What's so hard about that?" He whispered in my ear. It's strange how humans form relationships. From the time you were born, you had already formed a bond with your mother and father. Next it would have been a sibling or even an aunt or uncle. And as you grew up you'd form more and more relationships with new people you'd meet at kindergarten, high school, clubs and events. But there are only a few of those relationships that remain in your life. Those that you'd never forget, those that were with you from the beginning, those that leave scars and those that leave a trail of burning desire in their wake. This story is about a relationship that started out as a friendship but came to be something more. It's a story of a forbidden love two people shared, hidden from society's cruel eyes. A story so simple, yet dangerous.



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