Eve's Moments

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Ma was sick.

She was quite fine this morning when she gave me a kiss-goodbyes. Actually, I was the only one – aside from Da of course – who received a kiss at home since I'm still suspended from class. I thought it was cool at first because you can do anything you want until I realized it sucks. Not even a sibling to play with or a friend to hang out with.

Only Poppy and Galahad kept my company.

While I was in my room to patch up my toys, I heard the opening sound of our iron gate. Imagine my surprise when looked at the window and saw Ma's car. I was so happy and excited that she was home but puzzled when Aunt Peabody gave her an arm to walk straight. Da was even standing behind them, just a few steps away from Ma.

I could hear Ma saying something to Poppy as I ran to the foyer and barely registered how her voice sounds horrible. When I was about to greet her, Da suddenly swiped Ma off her feet and carried her in his arms.

"Ma, are you okay?"

My sudden question broke their commotion.

Ma looked so pale with red puffy eyes and chapped lips. I remembered her sneezing during breakfast but not alarming enough to expect that it would lead to worse in a matter of hours.

"Don't you ever undermine me in front of my son for carrying me like an invalid!", Ma croaked.

"You bloody listen or you'll let my son see me how I can shove a soother on your throat!" Da snapped back.

I looked at my parents who were obviously angry with each other.

Aunt Peabody led me to the lounge while Da held Ma securely as he brought her upstairs. Poppy followed them after he fetched a medicine kit from his bedroom. We didn't hear any uproars above but we have a definite picture of what was happening there. As they said, Ma hates medicines

I tugged Aunt Peabody's sleeve."What happened to Ma?"

"She got mild flu but don't worry, she'll be alright. She needs plenty of sleep and food."

A few minutes later, Da and Poppy went downstairs in a hushed voice. I ran directly to Da and asked the same question.

"What happened to Ma?"

He picked me up as we went back to the lounge.

"Ma's fine. She needs to rest. By tomorrow, she'll be back to normal.", Da answered with a smile.

Da, Poppy and Aunt Peabody were talking about something I couldn't understand. They were all sporting a very worried expression and based on their actions, I was something not usual.

"Da, is Ma going to be okay?"

They immediately stopped talking. Aunt Peabody and Poppy eyed each other before they gave me a thoughtful look.

"I think Junior is our solution."

"I'm not Junior!", I pouted at Aunt Peabody who just laughed at my demise.

Da explained to me that Ma was so adamant to go to work despite her illness. She didn't want to sleep or take her medicines - no surprise there - and when they explained to her that she will be cooped until further notice, she went mad.

Poppy said that she was having a tantrum.

Since they were sure that Aunt Peabody couldn't hold Ma down, they considered me as their last resort. They said that I was one of Ma's weaknesses.

They were even thankful for the timing of my suspension much to Da's disgruntlement.

They briefed me the rules of the game:

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