Galahad's Moment 2

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"I don't think Ma will get mad. We're saving Galahad anyway.", my sibling said while we were walking outside, probably trying to convince ourselves that we were doing the right thing. "Besides, we didn't go outside alone."

It was shy in the morning, and there were few people strolling in the playground. We often pass this route whenever we go to the school so we were pretty much familiar with this place.

"Both of us will be grounded if we screwed up."

Ma always says that we must avoid strangers at all cost, and if they threatened us, we have to ask for help, scream as loud as we can then go to the police immediately. Or call Dispatch.

There were street sleepers everywhere, and probably muggers as Ma would often say, so we have to be careful. Good thing we ruled out the possible places for Galahad to go...unless he suddenly moved away.

While searching for clues behind the bushes, my sibling suddenly rushed towards me and said "There's a kitty in there. Bleeding."

I immediately followed and went to the said bush. Galahad was there in his usual on-guard stance, and beside him was a cat meowing in pains.

"Are we going to call 911?", I asked.

"I did not bring a 'link here. Do you have one?"

I shook my head. Then we saw a telephone booth nearby.

"Do you have credits there? I don't have one here."

"Me either."

There were no cops or security guards around. We began to consider borrowing some 'links to some joggers, but Galahad gave us a beady eye as if he could read our minds and telling us to 'leave or else' threats.

Suddenly, a loud screech sounded, and when we looked around, we saw Ma in a very pale face, with unruly bed hair.




"What has gotten into you - no, both of you - leaving the house without permission, without even informing us, at five o'clock in the morning?!", Ma scolded as she used a warm towel wiping the grease and dirt from our faces and hands.

"Sorry." was all we could say.

Ma removed some twigs stuck on our hairs and assisted us to change our clothes, and at the same time, fired some words like bullets. "What if both of you got hurt? Or lost? Or what if somebody came and kidnapped you? Did one of you ever think what we'll gonna do if we never found you both out?"

Actually, no.

And if it crossed our minds, it was something we really don't want to know.

Da was standing across the room and has been preoccupied for hours by several calls he received from his 'link. He was raking his hair as he talked, a sign that he was – you know – too pissed.

Ma's communicator beeped for several times but she threw a pillow on top of it to silence the sound.

When Da finished his last call, he pulled a chair and sat in front of us.

Being grilled through and through by Ma was a big whammy, but handling a cold treatment from Da would be a double whammy. Poppy, who could probably save us, was nowhere to be found.

The way Da gave us a steady eye nudged us that he was waiting for our explanation.

"Sorry.", we said in unison.

I bowed my head, trying to avoid Da's inquisitive stares until I heard Ma's sobbing voice.

"Did you know how worried we are when we didn't found you two?"

And that heartbreaking sound made us cry.

We immediately hugged them, and with their warm embrace we could smell the scent of coffee, and as they wiped the tears from our eyes, we confessed everything – how we played Galahad with make-ups last night until we found out his disappearance because he didn't eat his kibbles for dinner.

"We looked for Galahad but he was not here.", my sibling explained. "We played with him, and he was kind of...enjoying it, but when I'm about to feed him, he was gone. Galahad never says no to food."

"That's why you went outside to look for Galahad."

"You'll get mad if we're bad. We love Galahad.", I responded to Ma's query "But Unregistered helped us – "

"They named it." Da groaned.

" – and detected Galahad going to the Central Park - "

"They hacked the NY surveillances.", Da face-palmed.

" - It was mag!"

Ma looked at him with a pursed smile. "Roarke, I thought you've checked our basement issues."

Da didn't give an answer.

"I don't want this be repeated again, okay? Remember, always ask me, your Da or Summerset if you want to do something. Always ask permission if you want to go outside, and if you did something bad, always say sorry."

"Yes.", we replied as we gave her a very tight hug.




"Ma,", my sibling asked while eating breakfast. "We saw Galahad with a kitty, and there's a kitty head on the kitty's butt."

"What topic." Da mumbled as he sipped his coffee "Can beat a DBs over a table?"

"The kitty was giving birth to a baby kitty, honey.", Ma explained as she lightly nudged Da with her elbow.

Da arrived seconds after Ma found us, followed by Poppy who was carrying a thick blanket to scoop the animal. Galahad only vacated his guarding post when Poppy moved out the bleeding kitty from the soiled ground.

"The kitty was in pains, and Galahad never left her side. Is giving birth that painful?"

"Very painful."

"With lots of blood?"


"Is that normal to give birth to a baby kitty with lots of pain and lots of blood?"

"I'm not a kitty, honey, but if you're worried about the kitty, then yes it's normal."

"If that's the case,", my sibling gave her a thoughtful look, "Where did the baby kitty come from?"

Silence hovered inside the room for several minutes.

Until Da broke it "It's almost eight in the morning, kids. You'll be late for school."

"Da.", I pouted then pointed the calendar on the wall. "Today's a Saturday."

Bondings in Life - an In Death series fanfic (J.D. Robb)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें