Summerset's Moment

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Poppy decided to bring me along on his marketing – not because I will be alone at home, but because of it.

He had this notion that I have to be monitored constantly ever since that day I performed a scientific experiment about mixing sugar, baking soda, and potassium nitrate I found in our garden.

To make the story short, my experiment exploded.

Poppy was so frantic that when my parents came over to check what happened, they had lost their ability to speak. No harm was done or damages incurred on the kitchen, but Poppy's reaction to the incident was totally exaggerated.

"Ah, reminds me of my youth!" Da's comment earned him a beady glare.

I never thought that buying meats, fruits, vegetables and other kitchen ingredients could be this boring. True that there were lots of impressive things going on in the market like the merchant droids that offer free tastes and Autochefs with ice pops, these menial tasks were nothing compared to Ma and Da's daily jobs.

There was basically nothing in the market that excites me.

Poppy would just fiddle the menu screens, and once he found the item, he would swipe it with his card.

"When your Da was little." Poppy said. "He would always accompany every time I go to the market. Soon he developed an interest in trading, he studied it, and now he's a very successful businessman."

Poppy would often tell me stories about Da's adventures – though I dubbed it as misadventures – to keep me entertained. I wondered if all of them were true, but whenever I ask Da about it, he would simply give a casual hum.

Another thing that kept me from boredom was the persistent cuddles I received from Poppy's friends.

"What an adorable little grandson you have here, Summerset!", Miss Imelda the fruit vendor said as she pinched my cheek. "Where's the other one?"

"School.", he replied promptly.

"So it's a bond time for both of you, eh?"

Poppy nodded as he began to check for the purchase.

Before we left the store, Miss Imelda handed me a free apple. "Here's one for you, to keep the doctors away."

I could barely finish my fruit when Mr. Sigorne gave me croquettes. Mrs. Dee gave me lollies when we passed her stall followed by Mrs. Hanson who offered me banana chips. When we entered another alley, Mr. Simpson provided me a corndog.

All for free.

"You may eat these later else you'll spoil your appetite," Poppy said as he gathered my freebies.

I really did my best to obey him, but Miss Scarlett and Miss Ginger shoved me warm sausages and ice creams before I could protest.

Poppy only sighed with disbelief.

We took our meal in a small bistro that serves good cassoulet. The owner, Mrs. Sullivan, was one of Poppy's close friend.

"Oh, Summerset, you're here! And you have a very adorable company.", she greeted then pinched my cheek.

Her daughter Anni was also pincher, and like her mom, a loud squealer.

"I've heard you got yourself hurt and now you're on house arrest. Aww, poor little lad.", Anni cooed. "Your Poppy told us that you'll go to Ireland this school break. How long will you stay there?"

"Two to three days, I guess," I answered with a shrug.

"So you know how to speak Gaelic then?"

When I briskly nodded, they nudged me to speak a few words. So I complied to their request and said "Bíonn tú do mo chiapadh."

Bondings in Life - an In Death series fanfic (J.D. Robb)Where stories live. Discover now