"Sweet sixteen."

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Dipper's (POV)

I stood in front of all of Wendy's friends, my sister, and Soos holding my clipboard in my hand. I look over all the things on my clipboard one more time to make sure I didn't miss anything. Me, and all the other teens, were in the party room where my Grunkle Stan threw his party last summer. Since me and Mabel moved here, we have been hanging out more with our friends, which is how I found out something very important. I climbed up the stage before I spoke up, loud enough so everyone could hear me.

"Okay everyone listen up! Tomorrow night is a very important night! Tomorrow is Wendy's sweet sixteen birthday! With that being said, we have to make sure it is perfect!"

"Chill kid, we already know Wendy's birthday is tomorrow. So can you just chilax okay?"

"Uh no, I won't 'chilax' Lee! This is really important guys, we have to make it perfect! Wendy deserves it!"

I climbed down from the stage, and pulled out my chock bored. On the bored were the plans for Wendy's party. And all the jobs for her friends, and myself. I take my staff, and point to the plans on the bored for everyone.

"Okay guys, as you can see, I have everything planed out for this party."

I then use the staff to point at Mabel.

"Alright Mabel, you are in charge of decorations."

"Woooo-ooooh! I will do my best!"

I then point to Lee.

"Okay then, Lee you are in charge of food and drinks."

"Got it."

I then point to Soos.

"Soos, you are the DJ."

"Alright Dude!"

I point to Nate.

"Nate, you are in charge of handing out invites."

"Will do."

I point to Tambry.

"Tambry, you are in charge of keeping track of all of Wendy's gifts."

"K, got it."

I point to Robbie.

"Okay Robbie, you are in charge of watching for un wanted party crashers."

"No prob, squirt."

I point to Tompson.

"Now Tompson, you have the most important roll. Keeping Wendy busy, awhile we fix up the party. Can you do that?"

"Well uhh, I'll do my best sir!"

"Great. Now that you all know your jobs, I would hop to it!"

"Now wait!"

I stop when I heard Lee speak up.

"Yes Lee?"

"What's your job gonna be?"

Everyone nods in agreement, as I stood there. I gulped before I answered.

"Well, I'm going to make sure, that everything goes perfect for Wendy!"

He shrugged, before speaking up again.


With that, everyone left the party room, and went home for the night. I put away the chock bored, as Mabel walks by me.

"So bro, which decorations are better for a sweet sixteen birthday party? Balloons or streamers?"

"Why not both? It is a party after all."

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