"Wanna bet?"

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Dipper's (POV)


As I walked into my new school with Mabel and Wendy, I see other kids getting to their lockers. My new school in Gravity Falls is 6-9th. Since me and Mabel were just turning into seventh, we had to go here. We moved here after our first summer, and I was excited to live here. All of our friends were really happy about it to, including Mabel's friends. But I was more excited to crack more mysteries and explore the unknown. I was also excited to spend more time with Wendy too. Even after all that junk at the bunker, she is still my best friend. As soon as we walked through the doors Mabel yells out to the other kids.



Wendy just laughs amused, not even caring. Mabel's friends then came running to her, yelling and shouting with glee to see her. Awhile Wendy and I go to our lockers. When we finally find them, I open my locker and grabbed my books, as Wendy opens hers. When she opens her locker I heard her speak up.

"Well, that was a nice first day outburst your sister made."

"Yep, that's Mabel, you learn to love her."

"Well, I think your lucky."

"Why is that?"

"Having Mabel around, and her silliness, can't be as bad as having four brothers at home."

"Pfft, yeah right Wendy. If you live with Mabel for as long as I have, you would be eating those words."

"Ha, if you had to deal with all my responsibility of my brothers, you would be glad you only have a sister!"

"Is that a challenge?"

I can see a smirk spread across her face after I asked that. Wasn't long before she spoke up again.

"Yeah, it is. Wanna make a bet?"

"A wager?"

"Yes, a wager."

I thought about for a second before I spoke up again.

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking that we should change places for a week. Meaning I live with Mabel, and you live with my brothers. And if you survive by the end of the week, and not crack from all the responsibility of my brothers, then I guess you're right about it being harder having to live with Mabel. But if you don't, then you have to do the Lamby Lamby dance in front if the whole school."

I thought it over before I spoke up again.

"Fine, but you lose, then you have to do my hard homework for a month."

"Woah-oh, you got a deal mister!"

"No, you got a deal!"



With that final word, we both went our own ways. As I walked away from her, I started to rethink the bet. Could I really beat Wendy in her own game? Only one way to find out. After I find my class room number, and Mabel inside, I go up to her to tell her about the bet, but if course Wendy beat me too it. I looked on my class sheet, to see that Wendy was in my home room. Son of a gun. As soon as I walked up to them, I see Wendy smirking again as soon as Mabel speaks up.

"Is it true? Am I going to live with Wendy for a week?"

"Yep, that's right Mabel, and I live with Wendy's brothers for a week."

I turned to Wendy, and she speaks up again to me.

"Get ready to lose Dipper!"

"Bring it on Wendy!"

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