"Shooting star."

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Wendy's (POV)

There I sat on the edge of the roof of the Mystery Shack, looking up at all the stars in the sky. My shift was over, and I was free to do whatever I pleased. Dipper and I was supposed to have movie night that night, but he ran off with Mabel in the forest instead. Guess he forgot. So instead, I went to the roof to star gaze. I always loved seeing the stars at night, it was always so calming after a long day at work. I just sat there without a care in the world, until I heard the roof door creek open. A pair of small footsteps followed behind, until I heard a voice oh too familiar with me.

"There you are Wendy, I was looking for you."

It was Dipper.

I turned to him, and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back at him and got up to greet him.

"Yep, I've been up here since my shift ended."

"Okay. Sorry I couldn't come to movie night tonight Wendy. A lot of crazy things happened with Mabel, before I had the chance to come."

"Its okay Dipper, I actually don't mind all that much."

He looked confused for a second before I spoke up again to clear it up.

"Come on, I'll show you why."

I grabbed his hand, and brought him to the edge of the roof and sat down, just like before. He sat down with me, and he looked at all the stars in the sky with me. I turned to him, only to see a smile grow on his face when he first saw the stars. Seeing him smile made me smile as well.

"Beautiful isn't it, Dipper?"

"It sure is Wendy."

I then felt something on my hand. I looked to see his hand still in mine, I then remembered that I never did let go of his hand. I blushed but I gave his hand a tender squeeze. He smiled and blushed as I did so. I tried to re-focuse on the sky, but my eyes kept drifting to Dipper. I saw that he was doing the same with me. My blush deepen, and my hold on his hand tightened. I didn't want to let go and I could tell that Dipper didn't want me to either. He turned to me again, and I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. I looked back up at the stars to see a shooting star right next to the Big Dipper.

My smile only got bigger, and I felt Dipper squeeze my hand. I turned to him, and he spoke up.

"Aren't we gonna make a wish?"

"Alright, sure."

We both closed our eyes, and squeezed our hands together once more. After I made my wish, I opened my eyes again, and turned to Dipper again. He opened his eyes a moment later, and smiled at me. I smiled back and he spoke up again.

"What did you wish for, Wendy?"

I smirked before I spoke up.

"Now Dipper, if I tell you that, it won't come true."

"Please, just a hint?"

I smiled, and spoke up once again.

"I wished that, we could stay like this forever."

I blushed deeply and turned away from him after I said that. He squeezed my hand again and spoke up again.

"Yeah, that's what I wished for too."

My blush deepen as I turned back him, to see him blushing too. I squeezed his hand before I pulled him closer to me, and pulled him on to my lap. He blushed, and I wrapped my arms around him, and looked back at the stars. But I saw his hat was in the way of his view, so I took it off.

"Hey Wendy, why did you do that?"

"Cause, you can't see the stars with the brim of your hat in the way."

"Well then, means I got do this!"

With that he pulled my hat off of my head too. I blushed as he wrapped his arm around mine as we sat there together, looking at the stars, just enjoying each other's company... I don't know how long it was until Dipper actually fell asleep on me. I could only smile as I walked back to the roof door. I climbed down the ladder of the gift shop, and went into the living room. I walked up the steps to the twin's room, and opened the door quietly, and walked in quiet enough not to wake up Mabel. I went to Dipper's bed and laid him down on his bed. I covered up his body with his blanket, and set his hat on the night stand.

I smiled and kissed his cheek goodnight and made my way to the door.

"Goodnight squirt."

As I opened the door, I heard him speak up to me.

"Goodnight Wendy... "

He was awake? Hm, I wonder if he knows I kissed him?

"Goodnight buddy, see you in the morning."

"Hey wait, can you come here for a second?"

I nodded and went back his bed. I kneeled down and spoke up again.

"What's up?"

With that he smiled and kissed my forehead. I blushed deeply before my smile grew.

"That's what's up."

I giggled before I tucked him in better, and made my way to the door again.

"Goodnight Dipper, see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Wendy, sweet dreams..."

I smiled again and spoke up one more time.

"You too, Dipper."

With that I closed the door behind me, and made my way home for the night. As I walked down the path to my house, I look up at the stars again to see another shooting star in the sky. I smiled and made my second wish.

"I wish Dipper knew that I love him back."

Without another word I made my way back home for the night. When I got home, and went straight to bed, and yawned. I crawled in bed, and took one more look outside of my window. I smiled and laid down in my bed. I yawned again before I fell asleep. Who knew cuddling with Dippers could be so tiring. Totally worth it though.


Author's note:

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