"Best friends forever."

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Wendy's (POV)

When the day finally came that Dipper and Mabel would leave Gravity Falls, I was really upset. Mabel was like a little sister to me, and Dipper was my best friend. As we waited for the bus to come and take them home, I was trying to hold back my tears. Awhile Mabel was saying goodbye to Candy and Granda, I walked up to Dipper to say my goodbyes to him. I walked up to him, and got down on one knee, and held out my fist for him.

"Hey, you mean a lot to me, man."

He stared at me for a second before fist bumping me, and spoke up.

"You too."

I got up and grabbed his hat, and replaced it with mine. I put on his pine tree hat, and spoke up again.

"Something to remember me by."

He smiled at me warmly before I handed him a letter.

"Oh, and this."

He grabbed the letter, and I spoke up again.

"Read it the next time you miss Gravity Falls."

Just as I about to walk to Stan, he grabbed my waste and hugged me.

"I'm really gonna miss you Wendy."

I blushed, and smiled down at him. I got down on my knees again and hugged him back.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too dork."

At that point, I was really trying to hold back my tears. But the tighter he hugged me, the harder it became. I held my hand to my mouth to stop me from whimpering, and I tried to stay strong for him. Finally the bus came, and he let go of me. Him and Mabel climbed on to the bus, and took their seats. Dipper took one more look at me through the window and smiled. I smiled back, and finally let my tears flow. As they drove away I saw Dipper crying abit too. When the bus was finally gone, along with everyone else, I stood there holding Dipper's Pine tree hat in my hands.

I held it close to my chest, and I let my tears flow down my face. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see my friends there smiling at me.

"Did we miss them leaving?"

I nodded at them, and turned away.
I then heard Tambry speak up to me.

"Wendy, you gonna be okay girl?"

I sniffed before I spoke up.

"I... In time Tambry. In time... "

Later That Same Night...

When I got back to the shack to finish my last shift for awhile, I went on the roof, and looked up at the stars. And right there in the middle of the sky was the Big Dipper. When I saw it there, I couldn't help but shed a few tears. Dipper was my best friend, and now he is gone for a year. The thought of that only made me cry harder. I was really gonna miss my dork.

Dipper's (POV)

When Mabel and I got home, we were greeted by our parents. Mom held us tight, and Dad just nodded at us, like a way of saying 'Welcome back home.'
I also saw that my Mom was wereing a flannel shirt, and my thoughts went to Wendy. As we sat down on the couch, Mabel talked non-stop about our summer, leaving out Bill, and the other monsters. (Thank goodness)
I just sat at the edge of the couch just listening. Until I heard my Dad speak up to me.

"Hey Dipper, where did you get that Trappers hat?"

"Wendy gave it to him!"

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