Talk About It

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Bruce was up surprisingly early in the morning, he was down in the cave pacing, he was still worried about his son. Did he do anything? Was he to late? What was the full story and how was he supposed to explain it all to the teams?

"Up so early Master Bruce?" Alfred said walking down the steps to the Batcave cleaning a plate from who knows when

"I'm still worried about Dick" Bruce exclaimed running a hand through his black hair

"Oh? Is something wrong with Master Dick?" Alfred asked looking up from the plate and to Bruce

Oh right, Alfred doesn't know anything even happened. All he saw was me come home yesterday with Dick in my cape and that's pretty much it. Better to keep it just between me and Dick. Bruce thought

"He hasn't got a lot of sleep I'm afraid something might go wrong on a mission" Hey at least it wasn't a lie

"I'm sure he will be fine, he was trained by you after all" Alfred responded trying to cheer his son like figure up

Bruce just smiled at this hoping he was going to be right. Speak of the devil they heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs to the Batcave, to light to hear for someone who would just meet Dick, but living in the household for so long they've learned to listen.

Dick walked down fully into the Batcave, his bright blue eyes not shining as much as they used to due to lack of sleep and stress. He walked over and sat next to Bruce in a spare chair he pulled up and Bruce signaled for Alfred to get there suits ready.

"Are you feeling any better today?" Bruce asked running his hand across Dicks forehead moving all the stray hairs away

"Seeing as that was the first actual rest I've gotten in awhile, yes, really feeling the aster today" Dick said smiling at his own stupid use of the word aster

"-but whats going to be a disaster, heaving on the dis, is going to the team" Dick put his head down on the bat computer and groaned just thinking about it

(wow sorry i haven't been on i've just been busy lmao, but if any of you have actually read this far you can help me choose if they will keep it to themselves and try to make up the best excuse to the team, or tell the team)

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