Chapter 2

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Tobin was packing her things in boxes when her phone ringed, notifying her that she has received an e-mail. She read the e-mail and immediately wanted to drop the phone. She was not expecting to get selected as a babysitter so quickly. She wrote back saying that she would love to talk on the phone in hopes that Christen would not want her to work the following day.

*Next Day*

"Mommy, it's almost 10, you have to call Tobin," Crystal reminded her mother.

"Oh, you're right!" Christen said as she shut her laptop and ran to get her phone.

She called Tobin's number that she had left in the e-mail and it did not take long for Tobin to answer the phone.


"Hi, Tobin. This is Christen Press, I e-mailed you regarding a phone interview."

"Oh yeah, hi Ms. Press, how are you doing?"

Christen hated that question, "I'm fine, how are you?"

"Same. Thank you for selecting me so quickly, in fact, I was not expecting to be selected so quickly."

Christen had her phone on speaker so that Crystal could hear the conversation. Christen looked at Crystal who had a big smile on her face.

"Actually, I did not select you, my five-year old daughter did."

"Hi Tobin, I'm Crystal!" Crystal shouted into the phone.

Tobin laughed, "Hey Crystal, lovely name."

Crystal giggled and then went back to playing with her dolls.

"So, Tobin, there was not much on your profile, but I guess my daughter wants a least experienced worker," they both laughed. "So, where in California do you live?"

Tobin froze and there was a brief pause. "Um, I actually currently live in New Jersey. I will be arriving in California tomorrow. I put California because I did not know someone would select me as a babysitter so quickly. But, I'll probably ask one of my friends if I could stay at their house, they live in Diamond Bar."

"Oh, um, well, you're lucky I do not start work until next week. Wait, Diamond Bar? That's far from here, we live in Palos Verdes," Christen started to grow nervous.

"Mommy, can't she live with us?" Crystal whispered to her mother.

Christen did not trust Tobin enough to let her stay at their house, at least not yet.

She shook her head to Crystal, who frowned in response. "What time will you be getting in tomorrow?"

"Around 2 PM," Tobin responded.

"Will there be anyone picking you up?"

"Nah, I was planning on just catching the bus to my friend's house," Tobin responded nonchalantly.

Christen sighed, "How about this, Crystal and I will pick you up from the airport and from there we'll find you a place to stay nearby our house. Does that sound okay?"

Tobin thought about it, "That sounds perfect. Um, can we discuss things over lunch tomorrow when I get in? I'm really sorry, but I have to go."

"Of course, it was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow."

"Nice talking to you too, bye bye!"

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