Chapter 3

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After they finished eating, Christen drove Tobin and Crystal to a park near their house. Thankfully, no one was there and Crystal quickly got out of the car and ran to the swings.

Christen started walking towards the bench and Tobin followed.

"I'm really sorry for bringing that uncomfortable subject up. I honestly did not know," Tobin said as she walked with her head down.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I guess I haven't really talked about it enough to get used to people asking about Crystal's father, you know? But, it's not something I enjoy talking about."

"Totally understand," Tobin responded as she sat down on the bench, "If you ever need anything, I'm here, as both a babysitter and a friend."

Christen smiled as she sat next to Tobin on the bench. "Thank you, Tobin."

Both Christen and Tobin sat in a comfortable silence as they watched Crystal swing on the monkey bars.

"I think Crystal likes you already," Christen said, breaking the silence.

"Really? How do you know?" Tobin asked.

"I think she already liked you once she selected you to be her babysitter. Just by the way she's excited to talk to you and be with you. She was always excited like this with her father. Before I wanted to get a babysitter for Crystal, I limited her to the outside world. We hardly went out because I was too depressed. I think that spark of light Derek gave her was starting to dim because I was unable to keep the light going. But now that you are here, I think the spark of light is coming back again."

Tobin smiled, "She's an amazing kid. I hardly know her, but just from meeting her a few hours ago, I know she's amazing. I'm really glad that she chose me to be her babysitter."

"I am too," Christen responded while looking into Tobin's light brown eyes.

They both were looking into each other's eyes when Crystal interrupted them.

"Tobin, come play tag with me!" she shouted.

Tobin laughed, "Okay, coming!"

Tobin ran to the playground and once she got there, Crystal tagged her and said, "You're it!"

"Darn it," Tobin muttered to herself. "I'm going to get you!"

Christen watched as her daughter and Tobin played. She heard so much laughter coming from Crystal, she wanted to tear up because this was the happiest Crystal has ever been.

"The light is coming back, Derek. I hope you're happy and proud of her," Christen said while looking up to the sky.
She was still looking up at the sky when she heard a low scream coming from Tobin. She quickly looked into the direction of where the scream came from. She stood up and saw Tobin face-down on the ground. Christen and Crystal both ran towards Tobin to check on her.

"Is she dead, mommy?" Crystal asked while poking Tobin's arm.

"No, honey, she's not dead," Christen responded.

"Is she sleeping?"

"Good question, I don't know. Keep poking her."

Crystal continued to poke her and then Tobin flipped herself over. Christen and Crystal both jumped because her movement was so sudden.

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