Chapter 6

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Later that night, Tobin helped Crystal take a bath and tucked her in bed. Once Crystal had fallen asleep, she walked downstairs to see Christen cleaning up.

"Do you need help?" Tobin asked.

Christen looked up to see Tobin walking towards her, "No, I'm almost done, thank you, though. Is Crystal asleep?"

"Yeah, I think playing makeover really made her tired," Tobin responded.

Christen laughed, "Thank you for letting her do that to you today."

Tobin smiled, "Of course, anything to keep her happy."

Christen smiled and then proceeded to finish cleaning. Tobin took a seat on the chair at the table. They both stayed in an awkward silence, not knowing what to talk about.

"You don't see me differently now, do you?" Tobin asked, breaking the silence.

Christen looked at her with wide eyes, "What, of course not! Why would you think that?"
"Because you know a lot about my past and you probably did not expect that," Tobin responded.

"I don't see anything wrong with your past. I don't see you any differently, Tobin. You know about my past with depression and all that. We both have difficult pasts but that's the reason why it's called the past. I've moved on and so have you, nothing changes between us," Christen said as she took a seat across of Tobin.

Tobin smiled and was relieved to hear Christen's reassurance, "So you're not freaked out that you have a lesbian as a babysitter?"

Christen laughed, "I'm not freaked out at all that I have a lesbian as a babysitter and a friend."

Tobin smiled and sighed in relief. She was relieved to hear that Christen accepts her for who she is and also does not see her as someone different.

The next day, Christen woke up early to prepare breakfast for Tobin, Crystal, and herself. During the night she thought about what she had said to Tobin about her not minding to be Tobin's fake date at the wedding. So many questions went through her mind, such as, "Does she think I like her now? Does she think I'm a total freak? Does she think I'm crazy? Wait, do I like her?"

However, Tobin had the same thoughts. She could not sleep because so many questions about her relationship with Christen were going through her mind, such as, "Am I falling for her, am I falling for the mother of a child whom I am babysitting? Am I really falling for someone who is straight and is going through the death of her husband? What if telling my feelings for her ruins our relationship? Will I be kicked out of the house?" She decided to leave her thoughts alone and ignore it. Whatever happens, happens.

Tobin woke up and opened her eyes to see Crystal staring at her.

"Good morning, Tobin! Are you excited to go to the zoo? Mommy said she can drive us there so we don't have to take the bus," Crystal said cheerfully.

Tobin tried wiping the sleep from her eyes, "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up!" Crystal shouted as she pulled Tobin's arms.

"Five more minutes," Tobin groaned.

"Your breakfast is going to get cold. Mommy made breakfast for all of us."

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