The Beach

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Skylars P.O.V
"Hey beautiful" "Hi Mario" "Wanna go to the beach?" "Sure" "Ok let's get ready" *Both get up and get ready*
5 minutes later
"Ok I'm done" "Ok wanna head out?" "Sure" We were walking but I noticed something about Mario he was acting different like more flirtatious I don't know honestly I'll flirt back I guess
"So what do who wanna do at the beach ?" "I don't know" *Mario holds her hand* "I really love you" "Me too"
*Mario spins Sky around leans her back and kisses her and brings her back up* "Mario?" "Yes" "Why are you acting so different?" "What do you mean?" "Like more flirtatious" "I can't love my Bæ?" "No it's ok but is it cause of yesterday?" "No you just get prettier every day" "Awww" *Fan girls walk up to him* "OMG DATE ME" "YOUR CUTER IN REAL LIFE!" "HAVE MY BABYS" "Ummm guy's no I'm sorry"
"BUT WE LOVE YOU" "My heart belongs to Sky" "SHES UGLY WERE BEAUTIFUL!!!" "NO ACTUALLY YOU GUYS ARE UGLY SHES BEAUTIFUL LEAVE MY GIRL AND ME ALONE" They knew that it was serious so they backed off "Please?" "UGHHHH BYE" "WHATEVER"
*They leave* "Talk about Akwarddd"
"Yeah" *They walk to the beach* "Were here!" "Yay!" *A guy comes up to Sky*
"How bout you leave you're boyfriend and me and you hang out?" *Marios face gets red* "In you're dreams now me and my "Boyfriend" will go sit on the beach thank you very much!"
"We can make out" *Mario really gets mad* "No!" "Why?Come on" "I'm not making out with losers I'll make out with my "Boyfriend" "Sure you would" "Yeah right here right now" "Ok I bet you won't" *Marios face is red* "Oh we-" *Mario starts kissing Sky* "Oh guess you will Ughhh bye whatever!"
*Mario let's Sky go* "Babe" "Yeah?" "You got so mad it was cute!" "I was mad" "I know" We go sit down now.
Marios P.O.V
I swear I will beat someone up if they flirt with my Sky I will ask her out one day right now I'm too shy to...
"So..." "Wanna?" "Wanna what?" "Make out?" "Mario" "Mhm" "Why are you asking me" "Cause I want to" *Sky laughs* "Su-" I grabed her chin and made out with her anyways hahahaha
What?!That guy was watching us!!!!!
*Mario let's go* "I was going to say sure calm down hahaha" "That was fun" *Sky laughs* "Mario starts kissing her neck" "Mario too far honey" *Mario stops and kisses her cheek* "That'll happen when we get hotel😉" "I see" "Mario you're hoping for too much" *Both laugh* "I won't stop" "I know"
*Mario lies down she lies down on his cheast* "I love you too much" "Me too" "But are you being serious?" "About what?" "That happening at the hotel room?" "Sure if you want" "YES!" "Hahaha" "What I'm happy about it" "Kissing me?" "Yeah" "Why?" "Well you're my first kiss" "Ummm YouTube video you accidentally kissed a fan remember?" "Oh sorry first kiss with someone I love" "There you go"
1 hour later
"Wanna head back?" "Sure"
*Walk to the hotel and go in room*
"Ok I need to take a shower" "Me too" "But when we're done can it happen?" "Fine" *Kisses Sky on the lips gently*
*Mario goes to his bathroom Sky goes to hers* ~After Shower~
"Hey" "It is time" "For what?" "Something I've been waiting for" *Mario starts kissing Skys neck*
"Umm Mario?" "Yes Charlie you ruined the moment but yes?" "I need you here" "Ok just a sec Sky" "Ok?"
Skylars P.O.V
I wonder what's happening
*Mario comes out smiling* "What happened?" "YOU CAN STAY FOR TWO MORE MONTHS!!!!" "YAYYY!!!"
Marios P.O.V
I told Skys parents my plan and they were happy about the surprise."YAY!!!" "Now 2 months with Bæ who knows what'll happen😉" "Don't get you're hopes up" "I'll try" "I'm going to leave now" Charlie left Yes 😉😉😉 "Can we get back to doi-" She starts kissing me it turned into a make out session 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Yeah I was blushing a little ok maybe a lot but Sky is so beautiful how couldn't I? *They both stop and smile* "When are you going on Tour?" "Two more day's" "Ok" "I love kissing you" "Hahaha funny joke good one" "I mean it" "Ok why then?" "It's embarrassing" "Ok don't tell me" "Ok fine I love kissing you because you have such soft lips and you're so pretty" Yeah I said that to her but it's the truth😂😂😂
Skys P.O.V
Are my lips soft?I know Marios are.They're really soft I'm sorry I'm getting lost in his eyes they're amazing!
*Sky blushes* "You lips are soft too" 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖
*Both laugh* "Can I just kiss you one more time?Please?" " Since you're so adorable go right ahead" *Mario kisses Sky it turns into make out session*
5 minutes later
"I cant believe that lasted for 5 straight minutes" "It was the best 5 minutes of my life" *Both cuddle and fall asleep*

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