Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

"You-You remember that?" She asks timidly. I nod, "just now I had a flashback of it, but what did you mean?" I ask. "Just before my father died, he told me that a savior would come and lift me up, and help me fly." Sh sighed, a tear slipped out of her closed eye. "I-I'm sorry." I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her neck, after a minuet she melted into the embrace, I felt her arms snake around my waist, I held her closer, it felt so -- so right, so natural, so perfect. After a while we both pulled away, I smiled at her. "We're friends right?" She asks me. "Well I'm kind of a loner, but a friend wouldn't be bad." I laugh, smiling. "Hey, I saw your ad in the paper, about the apartment. I mean, I know its no New York, but would you maybe like to move here? Rent free?" She offers, my eyes lit up, "Yeah, that'd be great, thanks!" I yell hugging her. 

I ran home to tell my mom the good news, her car wasn't parked in the driveway, so I decided to put on some music and start packing. I started with my clothes, then I began with my books as I heard the car pull into the drive. I ran down into the kitchen and saw Mary Margret walk in. I shot her a smile. "What?" She asked me laughing. "I got a place!" I yelled. She smiled. "Really where? It isn't too far is it?" I didn't answer, deliberately to scare her. "Oh my god! You found a place in New York?" She asks. I look down. "No, I got a place with the Mayor." I laugh. "Is that sarcasm?" She asks. "Actually no, I got  place with the Mayor." She smiled. "Really? She doesn't hate you like she hates everyone else in this town?" She asks. "I guess not, because its rent free." I laugh, she puts the kettle on as I go back into my room and play my favourite song, 'Only You' by Yazoo, it reminds me of Neal, a guy I met in New York on holiday, we had a fling, and I got pregnant. After I had the baby, which we named Henry, I got into some trouble with the police and Neal got no-contact custody. He'd be about three now. I thought of holding my baby boy in my arms, then letting him slip through my fingers over one stupid mistake. I lost the only thing I'd ever cared about, the only thing that could ever have a chance at loving me, over a bad choice. I thought about what he looked like. Me or Neal? Or even a mix of both? What was he like? How is he? I just want to know him. I let my feelings cloud my common sense and I messaged Neal.

To; Neal Cassidy

Hi, I know that we have a no contact custody arrangement but this is killing me. I need to see my son. I need to meet him. Please?

Emma Swan.

I got a reply instantly.

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