Formalwear and Karaoke

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"Don't let her get to you, Jennifer. This is just another part of the healing process, you'll get over it and it will all be okay. Just don't let her get to you," I willed myself to maintain composure as I rode back to the resort.

"I beg your pardon?" the driver asked from the front seat.

"Oh. It's nothing. I'm just talking to myself," I made a mental note to narrate my emotions on a quieter level.

It's one thing to see them together in the press, but seeing her in person? That's more than I was prepared for. I'd only been moderately prepared by the news headlines all morning.

Tom couldn't have made more of a one-eighty in the looks department, if you ask me. Where I'm petite, curvy and scrappy, she's tall and lithe and everyone loves her. Most people think I'm a ruthless bitch and I'd have to agree with them.

"It's not like she knows about me or anything. Nobody does. I have no reason to be mad at her; I fell for Tom the same way that she has," I mumbled as I fidgeted with the hem of my sweater.

Something inside was telling me I needed to get back to Robert, though I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because he's one of the few that knew about Tom the whole time we'd been together. He knew me before and still knows me after and for some reason the thought of him brought a sort of calm over me.


"Marge!" I called out, feeling a world of relief at the sight of her face. "You're just in time! I need some fashion advice."

She held up a finger and ducked into her room before I could say anything else. Something was off, that's for sure. I had to wonder if I'd overstepped my boundaries with her, with the gifts and all. Really, I just wanted her to feel better.

I paced the length of my hotel room, back and forth, back and forth, waiting for her to call my name but she didn't. "Fuck it," I went into her room anyway. One look at her face and I knew she was drowning and in need of a little lifesaving. I pulled her up by her hands and pulled her close. I'm always giving her hugs that she doesn't ask for, because I can't help it but this time was different. There was an ocean's worth of emotion in this hug that nobody was talking about. I opted not to say anything, just to keep her from imploding, because we all know it's the worst idea to ask 'what's wrong' when you already know the answer. She was so sad, all I wanted was for her to feel safe so I just wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

"It's okay if you're sad," I whispered.

"I'm not sad," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"That's great if you're not, but it's also okay if you are. And if you do decide that you are actually sad, I hope you know that you can come to me."

"It's not supposed to work that way, Bobby. You come to me when you need things," she relaxed into my chest and I noticed for the first time ever that she smelled delectable.

"Well, I need my dearest Marge to be happy. That's what I need right now."

"I'll be happy when I get put to work. Keep my mind off the bullshit. What's the plan here, boss?" she pulled away and the moment of tenderness dissipated instantly. I wanted it back. I needed her close to me again.

"Well, if you're up to it, there's a party tonight at Ty's Bar. Open bar if you like. Karaoke, all around good time, I'd imagine. What do you think?"

"Sounds good. And the rest of this trip?"

"I've put together a last minute charity event tomorrow night, hence the reason for the formal wear. You did find something, right?"

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