Someday My Prince Will Come

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I made it as far as the lobby before someone grabbed my arm from behind. Angrily, I yanked it away and mentally prepared myself for a fight.

"Robert, how could you--" I spun around, ready to rain fire down on him but was met with Tom's face instead and I felt a crying need to punch him. That beautiful, angular face deserved what I had to dole out, if not a punch, a healthy slap then. "You asshole," I croaked out, my right hand twitching at my side.

"Jennifer, let me explain," he held up both hands in a gesture of surrender.

"There's nothing left for you to say. Just leave," I shouted and immediately regretted it because now everyone's attention was on us, my mother included; I'd forgotten she was with me. I vaguely noticed Robert then, entering the lobby just behind him and I got even more angry. He'd deceived me again. I brushed past Tom and barked at Robert as I approached, pointing to a bathroom just next to us, "In there. Now."

In a wise move on his part, he obliged and when I slammed and locked the door, he jumped right into the explaining.

"Jennifer, please listen--"

"Robert! How could you do that to me...again? I know my life a mess but I can figure it out--"

"I can explain--"

"I cannot believe that after the stunt you pulled with my'd do this. You promised not to hurt me, Bobby."

"Jen. Please--"

"What were you two talking about? Were you exchanging notes? Comparing your Jen experiences?" a lump started forming in my throat but I swallowed it down and let my fire burn.

"Jen! Dammit! Can you stop flying off the handle for one second and let me explain?" he raised his voice and it shocked me; he'd never spoken to me that way before. I pressed my lips together, trying desperately to keep myself from verbally reaming him. "May I continue?"

I nodded, keeping silent.

"Thank you. If you must know, Jennifer Margery, he just showed up. I didn't prearrange it or ask him to come."

"So what the fuck is he doing here?"

"He just showed up looking for you. Literally five minutes before you walked in," he said as he leaned on the tile wall just next to me and I noticed a look of frustration pass over his face. No surprise there, I'd let my hot temper flare and jumped to the worst conclusion.

"I told him you were off for the day and thought he'd just leave after that. Nope. He sat down and wanted to talk to me about you."

My blood pressure started to rise with my temper so I clenched my jaw and waited for the rest of what he had to say.

"He said that he wanted to lay all of the demons to rest. He wants to talk, to make everything right. Isn't that what you want too?"

I snorted at the thought, crossing my arms over my chest. No fucking way, I thought.

"My head was telling me to tell him to fuck off and get out because he hurt you, then my heart started to do the talking because I care about you so much and I want you to be free of that mess. I told him that anything he said to me would be a waste of breath because you're the one he needs to reconcile with...that's when you walked in."

I narrowed my eyes at him, making sure I was reading him right. I could tell he was being honest.

"I didn't invite him and you should know I most certainly wouldn't deceive you again. I know better."

Another tidal wave of emotion crashed down on me and I crumbled under the pressure. I slid down the tiled wall and came to sit on the cold floor just next to the sink. I wilted and covered my face with my hands and the tears poured, I couldn't stop them.

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