Poor Marge

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"Are you ever going to give that back?" he asked as his eyes fell to his Led Zeppelin t-shirt I'd kept since that night in Park City.

"Not likely. I've dreamt of owning this shirt since the first time I saw you wear it."

He shrugged and gave me a smile, "It looks better on you anyway."

"It's just about showtime, right?" I asked as I stood up from the couch to get a glass of water.

"Yep. It's going to be great. Everything out in the open," he said as he relaxed into the couch, arms folded behind his head.

"I suppose so," I sounded less than enthused as I excused myself to change into sleep shorts for the night. A few minutes later, I came to sit next to Robert and he eyed me curiously; I could tell an inquisition was imminent.

"What's up, Marge?"

"Remember last week, how we took Avri and Ex to the park the day after we filmed with James?"

"Yeah," he said absentmindedly, not getting what I was eluding to.

"That's the last time we're going to be able to do that. Every venture off of this property in the last week has been really nice, peaceful even. Easy. Once this breaks," I jabbed a finger at the tv, "shit is going to get crazy. Crazier than it's been for either of us in a long time."

"It's always crazy, Jen. That's why I go to such lengths to protect our privacy."

"Might need some extra measures after tonight," I huffed and settled into the couch next to him to await the show's airing. I looked at him and he seemed worried suddenly, when just a few minutes before he was lighthearted and happy.

Way to dampen the mood, Jen.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous."

"I can see that, but why?"

"Rejection. Speculation. Drama. Fabricated things about you and I...this mess with Tom and Stephanie--"

"This is going to be a good thing. I don't want to keep you a secret, Jen. I love what we have and I'm happy to share it with the world."

That man has grown up in the spotlight and hasn't known what it's like to have privacy and secrecy. I have no doubt that his feelings are real and that he wants to be supportive; he just doesn't really understand.

The opening credits came on and I clutched his hand tightly, my nerves on high alert because I knew that life was about to be forever changed. The bit was in fact, hilarious, thanks to Bobby and his intense charismatic nature; he carried the whole thing. It ended with him winking at the camera and me blowing a kiss. Cut to commercial. Cue the phone calls.

Incoming Call: Emma

Incoming Call: Gwyneth

Incoming Call: Susan

Incoming Call: James

Incoming Call: Mom

I groaned aloud as I saw her call come through.

"Who is it?" Robert asked, as he declined another incoming call.

"My Mom."

"Dun dun dunnnnn!" Robert emoted, which added an unnecessary amount of irritation to what I was already feeling. All I could do was roll my eyes.

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