New friend

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As they walk home and got closer to Zane's house he noticed that Travis was still following him.
Zane turned around and said "why are you still following me"
Travis said "I live around here and this is the path I take home"
    When Zane got to his house Travis was still there and he just moved into the house next door. They both looked at each other and saw the lived next to each other.
"So that's where you moved to"Zane said.
(Travis blushes)"um ya I-I live right next to you (laughs nervously)
  As Zane showed Travis around there was a bump in the ground and told him to watch his step so he would not fall. Travis said "what was that "(then Zane turned around and Travis falls on him) then Zane feels something on his lips and opens his eyes and sees Travis on top of him and there lips touching. Travis jumped up and started to tear up
"I-I am so so so " Travis says. (teary-eyed and blushing bright red)
He turns around and ran away towards his house. "NO WHAT TRAvis it's ok"(put's his hands on his lips smiles and blushes) and walks home.

Well everyone that is the end of the 2nd chapter.If it's good vote and comment if you want more see u😋✌🏼️out.

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