Hello again

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Its been a while I have had so much work at school its ridiculous. But I wanted to tell you about this anime I fell in LOVE with like I cried by fan girling . I hope I am not the only one that does. But you might be like "Oh Ana tell us what anime your talking about." Ok well t is called "KISS HIM, NOT ME" it is THE BEST ANIME EVER, but there is only 7 episodes :( I am sad but I am re watching it right now . If you want to watch it you can go to Crunchy roll or just go on YouTube because its free but Crunchy roll you can only watch a couple of episodes and there are a lot of adds like A LOT. So if you want to know what it is about let me tell you .

A girl that ships these guys but they all like her and she just ships the best ships let me tell you. I won't say any more just watch it by I will try to make a new chapter soon bye
✌🏽️ out

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