Zane's house

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Travis and Zane walk to Zane's house. Zane was a bushing mess as they both walked. Travis was blushing but a light shade of pink. Travis went to go and hold Zane's hand which made him jump causing Travis to laugh. And right before they new it they where in front of Zane's door. Zane opens it and the both walk in.
"Wow Zane nice place" Travis said.
"T-thanks Travis" Zane says
Zane goes and sits on the couch and turns on the tv to "My Little Horsies" they sit down and watching it when Zane gets up and goes to his room and Travis follows right behind him but before Travis could get in the door was shut but a like crack in the door and of course Travis looked through it and saw Zane with out a shirt which made him blush. Zane came out in a pinkie cakes onesie and stared at Travis who was blushing to realize the the door was not shut all the way which made Zane blush to. He walked quickly to the couch and stared to watch MLH with his hood down and facing away from Travis.
"You have a nice body" Travis said making Zane blush bright red. Zane turned to Travis to see him siting so close to him. Travis pined him to the couch and kissed him deeply and surprisingly Zane kissed back and it was a full on make out session and when they finished Zane  snuggled up to Travis and feel asleep in his arms.
That is the end of this chapter sorry I have not posted the  this chapter is I've been doing work like summerwork for school so ya see ya ✌🏼️ out

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