Zane's diary

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Before I start I want to say sorry for the delay in the chapter the very late delay. I feel so bad that it is such a long delay that I will be putting out another chapter tomorrow as well as a new book I am working on, take a guess. If you want the new story give this chapter a vote and again I am sorry.But this is what you people want and your going to get it and now let's begin 😋
After what had happened Zane want home and every time he thought about it he blushed like crazy.
Zane's POV
   Uh I can't believe that happened (blushes red) I keep blushes. My crush kissed me but it was an accident but it was amazing I can pretend anymore that i'm gay but  I don't like talking much. (goes to closets and slides open a secret compartment and pulls out a book/diary) Ha,there it is.(opens diary and starts to write)
Zane's diary
  Dear diary,
  Today this kid I know a new friend, I know you might think wow Zane you have a friend. And the crush is that friend. You might also might be wondering who it is. He is a new kid in school with white hair. So dreamy and he is like an angel that fell into my life😊😍. And today guess what he kissed me. Well about the kiss it was an accident. Well this is what happens.
I was showing his around the neighborhood because he had just moved there and there was a bump in the ground and he tripped and fell on me omg I was blushing and he was blushes like crazy. I am pretty sure that he likes girls not boys it would be an honor to be his boyfriend but again I don't think he is gay.😔 But maybe there is a chance that he is gay I don't know but I hope he is.😊 uh I think that is all diary I write to you like if I were to talk to a really close friend well I know you are not real but you helped me with my problems thank you hope to see you soon. Bye ( closes his diary and puts it back in its place) Zane goes to sleep and thinks what Travis thinks about what happened. Then goes to bed. 
That is the end of this chapter if you guys want a new book to read vote and your wish is my command and sorry. See you .😋😋

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