Chapter 5

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The door let out a small creak as I kicked it open with my foot. My eyes wandered around the small barn, and I inspected my surroundings.

"Home sweet home." Hunter joked and smiled at me. He sat himself down on the makeshift bed on the far side of the room.

His hand found a large lantern in the darkness, and suddenly it wasn't so difficult to see.

A stockpile of food and supplies sat on top of a wooden table on the opposite side of the room. He had collected a large amount of soup and ravioli cans, cereal, and granola bars in just a couple of days. Packages of water bottles were stacked underneath the table, setting up a good area for walking space.

The place wasn't big, but it wasn't tiny either. Like the size of a bedroom.

I quickly found a first aid kit, and became extremely relieved to have a chance at healing Hunter. I opened the box and took out large wraps and bandages, applying them to his leg gently and cautiously.

"Nice place you have here." I chuckled, looking at him feeling surprised that he looked healthy as if nothing happened to hurt him.

"Well you're gonna have to get comfortable because this is home for a little while." He responded.

The lantern glimmered and light up the room, giving a warm and comfy feeling. I sat beside Hunter, letting our legs press up against each other.

"How did you find this place?" I asked.

"I used to come here when I was younger. But these past few years I've been coming here every so often, fixing it up."

"I want to be a kid again." I whispered as I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence, but a faint sound grew louder as seconds passed. I jerked my head up when I heard an audible beep from either a car or a motorcycle.

"Stay inside." Hunter whispered as he slowly wobbled to the slightly open door. He peeked through the crack, and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Oh no... Crap." He continued.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"It's a cop," He turned toward me. "He came alone on a motorcycle."

He shut the door carefully, and opened a latch that was hidden in the back of the room.

"I made a back door." He said. I could hear the sound of footsteps on the gravel and dirt. They became louder as the police officer got closer.

Oh no. My brother... I froze as I realized what had happened. My brother must've seen me, I remember hearing a noise in the house as I left.

"Hello?" A harsh voice rang out. " Anyone in there?"

Hunter rushed me through the back door, but escaping wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. The door wasn't very big, and I had to crawl my way through to be able to fit.

I gasped at the sound of the police officer banging on the makeshift door of the barn.

I finally made it out of the room, and I reached my hand inside, offering to help Hunter.

He let out a small groan as crouched down to the level of the doorway, hurting from the pain of his wounds.

I wrapped my hands around his slightly muscular arms, pulling him through the opening, hoping the officer wouldn't come in.

We heard the creak of the door and I yanked Hunter through. He quickly but quietly shut the latch, and we were safe. Almost.

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