Chapter 7

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My eyes shot open at the sound of a thunder clap. My body jerked as I realized where I was. Water came down on us, not very hard as we were under a makeshift shelter.

I leaned in closer to Hunter, hoping everything would be alright. Raindrops splattered on my head and cheeks, making me shiver.

Another clap of thunder and lighting struck, and Hunter opened his eyes.

"Hey, are you alright? You're shaking." He asked in a sweet tone.

"Yeah, I'm just cold." I answered softly, barely loud enough to hear.

Tears mixed in with the raindrops on my cheeks, adding to my coldness. I thought of my family, and how much I've missed them. I thought of my brother, and how worried he must have been when I left.

Although it was only a couple of hours, it felt like a lifetime without them.

I grasped the pendent on my neck which made my feelings even more overwhelmed. If I didn't know how I would get through the next few hours, how could I get through the next few months or years?

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